Sitemap - 2020 - The Archetypal Lens
The 8 Valuable Lessons 2020 Taught Me
Thanks for reading it, publishing it and giving such positive feedback!
The Dems have certainly signaled to us repeatedly they do NOT want to change, at least in terms of…
Thanks for re-iterating that point.
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my piece, Jim.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Back in the early 2000s, I began to look into issues regarding election integrity as I’d done some…
A Thought Experiment On the Censorship Topic For My Fellow Lefties
I really enjoyed this article, Brian.
To reiterate your comments, Shannon, from doing a fair amount of reading of astrologers like Steven…
Wow, so many mini synchronicities as I read this.
Always appreciate your beautiful, soulful, light-bringing, consciousness-raising poetry, Caitlin.
Thanks for the response, Joyrobin.
Great pitch and I appreciate that you are seeking to do this in the spirit of collaboration.
Interesting read. Thanks for sharing it.
Glad Christina put the pub in good hands, Scott and as an occasional writer (and reader) here, I…
Time For the People To Light a Fire Under Biden’s Butt
I had a weekly blog in 2018 and wrote a three-part post on psychedelics that I'm still really proud…
Your poetry is truly a beautiful, soul-inspiring thing to indulge myself in and this gettin’ old…
The actual answer is: We don't know.
The Day After Update of the U.S. Election
I recall Caitlin calling for something akin to a DIY punk movement in indy journalism in one of her…
What a GREAT piece. If I could give it a bazillion claps, I would, but 50 is the limit.
Unm, this article is? What, exactly?
Hi Shannon — Yeah, when I told my parents in June that this self-righteous trend would, according…
I have long been interested in looking at society through the lens of generations and it was only…
The October Surprise, aka The Trojan Teddy Bear
I very much resonated with this post.
Thanks for sharing this perspective, Lauren Martinchek.
The question I went into 2020 asking about the people living in America, the country which I…
I think I've lost any remaining ability to be stunned by the ineptness of the Democratic Party, and…
I Forgave My Son For Stealing $300 And Now He Rules
My Fellow White Brothers And Sisters, Can We At Last Do The Work To End This Nightmare?
One of your best pieces, Umair.
Thank you for writing this, Zhiwa Woodbury.
When the Statues Came Tumbling Down
Using Love to Clear the Cesspool of Social Media
Stop Killing Comedy or You’ll Kill Us All
This actually speaks to what I think is the key insight delivered by the 2020 meta-narrative:
Like you, I also believe questioning one’s assumptions – the deeper, the better – is an important…
The other day I was cycling and pondering a question: When will enough of us recognize that we…
I welcome respectful agree-to-disagree comments, as they help foster solid communication that may…
Great advice and a well-put together, easy-to-understand-quickly article.
I’m in the camp of thinking it’s ground-up revolution or bust for America in the next few years.
How to Listen Better As a White Person
Solid piece, Michael Arceneaux .
David Fuller : Boy, did I need this article. Seriously, thank you.
David Fuller : First, I want to thank you for all of your excellent work at Rebel Wisdom.
For the most part, I really enjoyed this piece and the history lessons.
I definitely FEEL you on this one and have felt the same, though 2020 has been a constant reminder…
Shadow Projecting: The Dark Side of the 2020 Apocalypse
When historians look back at 2020 for some sort of title that sums up the year, “You Reap What You…
Excellent, if a bit laborious in terms of the syntax.
I am a Tacoma native now overseas so just wanted to thank you again for your excellent coverage of…
Trump's brain doesn't work like that--he's an in-the-moment reactor--but there are people in his…
I think you both hit the nail on the head.
On Seattle: Me to WE is a Rallying Cry For 2020
I'm a GenX straight white dude whose been basically making this case for years!
I absolutely loved this article!
The Justice System is Us: Let’s Own It, Let’s Change It
It appears I can't amend my response as I want to (or perhaps I am just too media-challenged this…
Yeah, well, about curation ...
Thanks for your attempt to muddle through the madness and piece together an accurate narrative, Jay.
Excellent piece, Christina M. Ward!
Personally, I’m looking forward to watching the Mob burn Wall Street and it’s disgusting markets to…
Joe Love Thanks for your response.
Why China Will Not Be the Next Superpower
I gave this one 13 claps because, well, Venus went retrograde on the 13th, precisely 5/13/2020 and…
Hi RJ . Thank you for writing this!
Kathy, THANK YOU for sharing that.
An Open Invitation To Offer You My Ear
Excellent article, Tim Denning.
A Whimsical Jaunt Through The Daily Political News
I’m in Japan where the virus is not nearly as devastating as in America, so my comment comes with…
Too many great lines to signal out just one this time, so I’ll focus on the Big Picture and say…
Blame Game Blues? Let’s Choose a New Game, the Adventure Game
I appreciate your efforts here, Jay.
Kelley, like Warren Turner, your article gave me pause and made me feel sad that you don’t have the…
Hi Nicole: First, thanks for reading and taking the time to respond. Always appreciated!
Golden Week In Japan Ain’t So Golden in 2020
I logged on to see what excellent piece about the crazy human culture of 2020 that Caitlin has…
The Trump Press Briefer As Seen From a Journalist in Japan
Excellent writing, Jay Sizemore.
I couldn’t agree with you more Lauren Martinchek.
Why Blocking Art Is Bad Business
Great article. Well put-together, solid advice, mixed with anecdotes and advice from others.
First, when you comment on someone’s article that it “wreaks of privilege,” well, isn’t that an ad…
Azrya Cohen Bequer…you were much more heart-centered than I was in your response and I applaud you…
This is a Culture of Death. Yet the ironic, very sad thing is, we don’t know how to gracefully die.
Thanks for reading it and responding!
Christina M. Ward : I’d love to be added as a contributor.
This Crisis Needs You To Be Powerful
This article deserves to have this one linked to it:
I’m only four notes in and already have to say THANK YOU, Caitlin.
Self-Care During Coronavirus Era and Beyond
The Pacific Palisades Preventative Home for Handicapped Presidents and Presidential Wanna-bes, 2028
Here is the essay where I “argued against myself.”
Play the Trump card, Bid(en) Your Time or Eat Chicken, Which is Best Americans?
No. I can see things from multi perspectives.
Why Natural Time Rules and Clock Time Sucks
A Hopeful, Fun Coronavirus Post (With Lots of Fun Links!)
An Intro to MBTI and How It Has Improved My Life
This “sucker” gets 50 claps without me even clicking on any links.
I really like this distinction you make between violinist and a fiddler.
As a cyclist who, in the past few years, has steadily increased my daily rides to the point where I…
Boomers, We Need You to Remember the 1960s (and Vote for the Future You All Saw Coming Back Then)
I’ve been telling people all along that if Joe Biden becomes the nominee, the Democratic Party will…
Absolutely it’s a terrible slogan, but it’s the same kind of abusive psychology the neoliberal…
I’m feeling the despair, too, man, but it’s my nature to be a fighter and an optimist in spite of…
Great article, as always, Caitlin.
Jack — great minds think alike…I read Caitlin’s piece and, as I was sharing it onto my Facebook…
I really did love this episode!
I’m Scared (A Letter to My Soul)
Well, this is another thing I needed to read as I am facing the end of my 15-year job, and, thanks…
Chin Up, Progressives, WE GOT THIS!
Nope. Should be given an ice cream soda. With those rainbow sprinkles on top. Chocolate syrup, too?
Does Japan Needs to Chill Out In Its Response to the Coronavirus?
Super Tuesday Progressive Warren Backers, Please Join US Behind Bernie!
Benin: STELLAR work, my friend!!
GREAT, inspiring work, Gemini!
I’ll be around Portland in April and then again in June and July.
Thanks for the positive and helpful feedback, Matt!
I’m giving this some claps not because I fully agree with it, but because I think it has some good…
Les Overton, I see what you did there! Bravo!
Umair Haque Is Really Bright and Right About A Lot … But He Sells Americans Short
Jason…you beat me to the punch, dang it! LOL. Good job!
Numerology Rules, Deal with It … Or Die!
As a Gen Xer who studied journalism and political science in the 1990s and became disillusioned…
As a middle-aged father of two who is, later this spring, going to seek a similar path from the…
I really enjoyed this piece, Drew.
The only “Sanders problem” the Democrats have is they don’t recognize him and his movement as both…
This article and all the encouraging responses to it are depressing.
I’ve been waiting for this campaign platform for years!
So true! And such a frustration I have with my intelligent, caring, more mainstream friends who get…
I’m just getting started as a writer on Medium, but have been a reader for a few years now and, in…
The 5 Best Progressive Politics Podcasts of 2020
Why Socialism Is Not a Good Word To Describe the New Economy Emerging
Tighten Up? Or Lighten Up? How Accessing the Trickster Can Heal Ourselves and Our World
This is SOOO good, Douglas. Thank you VERY much.
Friends of Bernie, Relax: WE Got This!!!
Dang, you a bad girl, Caitlin! I mean bad as in good, 1970s style!
Thanks, Kamga. I appreciate that.
There are PLENTY of intelligent, independent-thinking women who support Bernie because they…
Enough With the Bernie Bros BS, Already (Because It Hurts)
Great article, Lauren. You summed up my own feelings and concerns, as well.
#NeverWarren stems from the FACT that she, her campaign and CNN created a disgusting lie about her…
Discerning the Many Meanings of Greta Thunberg and Climate Change
Oh wow, Lauren, that second theory, sadly, makes a lot of sense.
Hey Bernie Sanders! Let’s Inspire the American Spirit of the Practical Dreamer!