I really did love this episode!
Perhaps it was just my own understanding or my mental state, but it felt like Mark Stahlman was doing a great service in reframing where we…
I really did love this episode!
Perhaps it was just my own understanding or my mental state, but it felt like Mark Stahlman was doing a great service in reframing where we are at – not doom, but in the midst of the birth canal – but still just short of the clarity of what awaits us.
Perhaps that is to be expected, and this requires patience – a lifelong lesson I’m daily being taught – so this is not meant as a critique.
I feel I can hear it in your voice, too, Douglas – this sense of “the breakthrough is here but WHEN!!” – but agree with Mark that your brand of Team Human is exactly the right idea, that we must dig very deep into what it means to be human and love that about ourselves.
We must also do the same regarding climate change, as author Charles Eisenstein points out in his book, “Climate: A New Story.”
My biggest concern with Bernie Sanders and the climate change movement, in general, is I hear the language of war fueling the cause, as in, “we must bind together and fight the biggest, existential threat to our humanity, climate change.”
I live in Japan and three events of the past 10 years – the Tohoku earthquake/tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011, Typhoon Hagibis of October 2019 and now Coronavirus – have made it clear to me that Mother Nature will win any war we start with Her. We are powerful, amazing creatures but we cannot win a war with Mother Nature because we are a part of Nature, not apart from it. Thus, declaring War on Nature is declaring War on Humanity; the only result is human suicide, perhaps a full takeover by our machines as Mark Stahlman suggests that some of the Elites want.
Douglas, as a fan of yours for over 20 years, thanks, as always, for your thought/heart/Soul-provoking content!
On Team Human/Nature,