Another great piece, Shannon!
I'm very much feeling this in my life these days. Been through a lot in 2020, as have many of us. My issues have been more of an internal…
Another great piece, Shannon! You are very adept at bringing together these concepts into concise bits of wisdom. I really appreciate that!
I'm very much feeling this in my life these days. Been through a lot in 2020, as have many of us. My issues have been more of an internal "lockdown" as I've been forced to face and become comfortable with the darkness within when I had been hoping to explore the light without by going on an adventure in 2020.
In this way, Saturn along with his meeting with Pluto have been hard at work within me and it makes sense considering Saturn rules Capricorn and I'm a Sun-Moon-Jupiter conjunct in the middle of Capricorn (plus Mercury at 0 degrees). I just wanted to mention that because I love and really feel the truth of what you wrote about Saturn resonating within me. "We knock it out of the park when aligning ambition with intuition." Excellent!
(Also the quotes from your book were a good reminder for me to read it--it's on my Kindle, but I am deep into Steven Forrest's "The Book of Water" right now so it'll have to wait---just keep quoting it in your articles, in the meantime, okay?).
I bring up "The Book of Water" because I had a Neptunian experience the past 24 hours. I was aware that the sun was transiting my natal Neptune these few days and so yesterday listened to an excerpt from Forrest's book about Neptune and in that excerpt, was told to pay attention to dreams during times when Neptune is heightened.
Well, last night I had a doozy where I'd finished the second book in my Elements series of novels, this one is on---of course, Water---and I was super excited about it, so woke from the dream energized and determined to align this intuition with my ambition to really, ahem, dive into the project in 2021!
Okay, just felt like sharing all of this. Love what you are doing. Keep it up!