Hi Dave...thanks
Anyway, started to read your novel and was enjoying it, but my eyes are telling me to shut the screen and just enjoy the darkness and cool…
Hi Dave...thanks for reading my article. Insomnia here on a too-hot-for-this-time-of-year night in central Japan. Gonna be over 100 on the Heat Index tomorrow and I got a touch of heat stroke cycling around noon today.
Anyway, started to read your novel and was enjoying it, but my eyes are telling me to shut the screen and just enjoy the darkness and cool of my AC which I finally turned on (trying to save money as I am, like your character, out of work!).
I opened the link to your website and will, sometime over the next few days, invest some time in your idea.
Yes, we absolutely need new systems. I just skimmed my article here to see what I'd written...I write a lot and forget! ... and well, I think the focus of my piece here was more on the consciousness side of the issue than the nitty gritty of politics.
Regardless, the System isn't responsive to the needs of the people so I'm all for exploring alternatives!