I’ve been waiting for this campaign platform for years!
While Yang promised money, and Bernie promises jobs, why not skip all that and promise Time!
I’ve been waiting for this campaign platform for years!
While Yang promised money, and Bernie promises jobs, why not skip all that and promise Time!
The idea I proposed on this recent episode of my podcast is to come up with some great new holidays.
While fellow weed activists would argue for 4/20 as Marijuana Day and I’d be good with that (after April is a lovely time of the year yet has no public holidays), I selfishly suggested that because this is my campaign and because my birthday can be translated into “Stone Day” in Japanese, well, then January 4th can be “Get Stoned Day.” Ha ha (and if you want the full explanation of how 1/4 is Stone day in Japanese and why May 3rd is not only the best day for a kid (my son) to have a birthday but is also “Garbage Day,” well, listen to my crazy podcast.)
But really, Sandy’s idea is better – August and February can be a real drag! So, let’s finally get that first woman in the Oval Office to run the show, vote for Sandy!
Anyway, loved the playfulness of this article! Nice job, Sandy!