My feelings exactly.
It actually makes me happy, in a way, that such clouding-of-reality candidates are just not working now; it feels to me that we are in a…
My feelings exactly. He’s vapid and easy to see through, even from over here in the Land of the Rising Sun.
It actually makes me happy, in a way, that such clouding-of-reality candidates are just not working now; it feels to me that we are in a Get-Real Era and the only candidates that can succeed are those that are doing that, like Bernie Sanders, and those who are so good at creating an illusionary reality that voters can’t see through it or that they prefer that illusion to what’s staring them in the face (this explains Trump).
We’ll find it in just a few days how much power the illusion of Big Money and advertising schtick still has when we see Mike Bloomberg’s results on Super Tuesday.
By no means have we left the realm of illusions yet, but it is nice to see that people are hip enough to the game that Mayor Pete can’t spin himself a yarn into the White House.
Go back to South Bend, do some soul searching and make some amends to the people of that fine city, Pete, and then maybe down the road you’ll be able to re-emerge as a person with something of actual value to offer the American public. We are too late in the game for any more PR men presidents.