Thanks, Ben.
Good thoughts there. I recognize all of what you are saying. Definitely is a problem in the community.
Thanks, Ben.
Good thoughts there. I recognize all of what you are saying. Definitely is a problem in the community.
Last, thanks for the breakdown in logical reasoning. I’ve studied a bit about such things, but it gets a bit too heady for me and I tend to forget the details! So that was a solid breakdown, thanks.
Okay, take care and hang in there. I am now happy I took the time yesterday to write back to you (I wasn’t sure it was worth it, but since I am out of work, I had the time and something told me to do so, but to do it in a less aggro way than my first response. I think, perhaps, had your response to the article included some of what you’ve included here, notably the things you could appreciate about the article, well, I definitely wouldn’t have responded as I did. I will admit that I took out some emotional frustration from that day on you and apologize for that!)
Okay, take care!