I appreciate your efforts here, Jay.
I take in information from a wide ecosystem and ran across a video of Dr Judy (no relation to Judge, lol) talking from her car in an…
I appreciate your efforts here, Jay.
I take in information from a wide ecosystem and ran across a video of Dr Judy (no relation to Judge, lol) talking from her car in an interview for about two hours.
I made it twenty minutes and got bored by the science gobbledegook.
Personally, while my own intuition/BS detector didn’t really vibe with her presentation, well, overall, I’m more in the “I don’t know” camp with regard to WTF is going on in terms of the CV19 background. Also, while I think knowing definitively how it started and spread would be useful information, I’m not holding my breath.
And last, I can’t recall the narrative of “Zeitgeist” and “Loose Change” but 9/11 is, IMHO, like this era’s JFK assassination and the government’s conspiracy theory has too many holes and asks too much suspension of disbelief for me to accept it. In addition, considering this was also the same government in which both parties used fear of another 9/11 to “sex up” false claims about WMDs to justify an invasion of Iraq, well, people will hopefully forgive me for not giving them the benefit of the doubt on 9/11.
Ultimately, I like an open-yet-skeptical humble approach which means just like this fall’s presidential campaign, I don’t feel a need to put my integrity on the line for any narrative. Instead, I keep on asking questions while being comfortable that I may never have the answers.