The other day I was cycling and pondering a question: When will enough of us recognize that we…
Ever since I encountered your work a few years back, Caitlin, I’ve felt that your focus on this reality that it is narrative which drives…
The other day I was cycling and pondering a question: When will enough of us recognize that we write our own narratives that we call our Lives and that, by our not understanding this, we too often allow others to write our narratives for us?
Ever since I encountered your work a few years back, Caitlin, I’ve felt that your focus on this reality that it is narrative which drives mainstream consensus and agenda, not fact, is the biggest gift your work has brought to me, and likely countless others. Oh sure, I can attribute my rising awareness to other influencers, such as the late Terence McKenna, but you bringing it up so often in reference to world events really has hammered it home and anyone whose read your work with any consistency and open-mindedness over the years likely understands this now.
Anyway, great piece as usual and I thank you for your continued efforts.