We sure do live in interesting times, don’t we?
Depending on my mood, I might call them frustrating times, in the sense that it can be frustrating how people dig into positions in a way that also makes them feel they have the right to be a total jerk to anyone who doesn’t share such perspectives.
I like to think metaphorically and one of my frequent metaphors is that the collective mind is a stormy sea which is rising and the last thing one should want to do in such a situation would be to find an Idea Rock to hang onto, only to watch as the seas become more stormy and keep on rising, eventually swallowing you whole. But hey, at least you held onto that idea until you died, right?
I have a certain amount of gallows humor about me (in part because my spiritual outlook and lifelong study of Near Death Experiences as well as my own mysterious experiences have convinced me death is certainly not the end and not something to be feared), so forgive me if that seems callous.
But if we take the metaphor further, I think it’s better to find a steady boat full of capable people on it (and maybe some two of each animal?) to stay above the seas until they settle down.
At the very least, I also recognize that these are not easy times to navigate and so I have a lot of patience and compassion for people, even as they call me every name in the book. At least on my good days.
Anyway, I’ll follow your work and let’s see if we can ride this storm out with some wit, grace and compassion.
PS In the spirit of your playfulness with the numbers for funding Bernie, I gave your story 22 claps. I’m about to publish a little piece about a cool experience I had today regarding the number 2 here on 2/22/2020. Playing with numbers and considering their meaning is just one of those things I like to do to make life more fun and meaningful.