David Fuller : Boy, did I need this article. Seriously, thank you.
As a Bernie supporter, a guy who has wanted just one president to even somewhat reflect my values in my lifetime, I believe I made all the…
David Fuller : Boy, did I need this article. Seriously, thank you.
As a Bernie supporter, a guy who has wanted just one president to even somewhat reflect my values in my lifetime, I believe I made all the mistakes you pointed out here.
Fortunately, because the race ended so early and I lost any emotional investment in it, I’ve cast out many of my demons regarding the 2020 presidential election and have moved on to broadening my focus to things that seem more likely to help move things forward.
Still, this article was a great way to clear some remaining cobwebs that have been hindering my ability to more rationally analyze just what the heck happened in early March.
It also spoke to an intuition I had sometime in late 2017 while on one of my daily bike rides: that Bernie’s politics were too stuck in 20th century ideologies and language for him to have become president. In a strange way, Trump, as regressive as he is, was still a step forward and your article seems to suggest that.
Anyway, thanks for helping me move forward.