Nice piece, Anne Chisom.
I don’t know about you (or others) but one of my biggest challenges as a writer these days is finding the sort of clarity to even write a…
Nice piece, Anne Chisom. I have little interest in saying whether I agree or disagree with it (personally tired of such simplistic yes/no thinking), just want to say I appreciate your perspective and you did a good job of making it clear to me what that is.
I don’t know about you (or others) but one of my biggest challenges as a writer these days is finding the sort of clarity to even write a piece that is this focused.
As for the sentiment of the title of your piece, yes, I definitely understand, but I’d also say that the sooner we can accept that there is no going back, the better equipped we’ll be to work together to go forward.
Last, I live in Japan and saw that that Christina M. Ward had requested we watch the press conference and comment on it. I really want to do this and, to be honest as someone who is out of work now (partly due to current events, partly out of a choice I made last fall to change careers), well, I’ve got nothing but time. Just gotta set my alarm and get up for it … not an easy thing to do as watching presidential press conferences have never been something I want to wake up for! Ha ha.
Okay, keep writing!