B and P Realm Podcast Ep.
The most eclectic podcast ever recorded covers psychology, history, why GnR are akin to the Doors, drug addiction, and a 1980s PC video…
The most eclectic podcast ever recorded covers psychology, history, why GnR are akin to the Doors, drug addiction, and a 1980s PC video game classic!

This is a jam-packed episode focusing on the Uranian themes of finding liberation through revolution, where I dive into a comparison between two classic Los Angeles rock bands, Guns N Roses and The Doors, and their revolutionary influence on the music industry and American culture and then a bike ride ramble where I argue that the revolution must be guided by love, not anger.
I cover everything from the symbolism and astrology of Uranus, drug addiction, MBTI personality theory, Strauss-Howe Generational Theory, “Planet of the Humans,” a new documentary produced by Michael Moore that’s making waves, how to politely but firmly ask people to move out of the way on a bike path and so much more! If ever there was an episode that proves that the B and P Realm is as eclectic as podcasts get, this is the one!