Play the Trump card, Bid(en) Your Time or Eat Chicken, Which is Best Americans?
Americans need to get real really quick to avoid the worst presidential race ever.
Americans need to get real really quick to avoid the worst presidential race ever.
I came up with this comedy bit when I was babbling like a brook out in Nature the other day, as I’m prone to do, and released it somewhere in this podcast.
Two yokels arguing over Trump versus Biden. It became so obvious so quickly to me how fucking dumb that debate would be. My fellow Americans, you really don’t want to go down that timeline.
Here’s why:
We played the Trump card in 2016. Didn’t work. America ain’t great again.
Now Biden? Remember, his vote is a vote for biding one’s time. Just kind of waiting things out. Problem is, time keeps on moving and the 2020s are gonna come fast. So we need someone who can adjust to those times and has a vision for the future.
But ignoring all that, let’s look at how Biden’s vision for the future has worked out in the past.
This is a man who has consistently gotten it wrong on matters of: war (voting for the Iraq War and being one of its strongest proponents); trade (votes for NAFTA and support for TPP while saying he didn’t); health care, with his questionable record and a lousy plan which will hurt the very seniors that are voting for him; and the prison-industrial complex (the 1994 Biden Crime Bill only tells the beginning of his cold-hearted plan). There’s more than that, but I think that’s good enough as all of those are issues that have had real world, life or death consequences and these are all issues he’s been on the wrong side of history of.
So what makes you think he’s going to suddenly get it right now? Yes, I’m talking to you Establishment Democrats who have rallied behind Biden as though he were the second coming of JFK, after spending more than a year questioning his capabilities to be this leader they have now put all their cards on.
Does any of this make any logical sense? You want that as your leader in a critical moment in U.S. history? Really?
Colonel (Bernie) Sanders: Finger-Lickin’ Good for ALL!
So that leaves chicken.
Yes, I’m referencing Colonel Sanders for Bernie. Finger-lickin’ good!
But he also has some flaws, notably, he’s too nice to take on his “good friend, Joe” which is what he needs to do to beat the Establishment that he has had the guts to take on. (I am forever grateful to him for that, no matter the outcome of this presidential race.)
But still, when you have two proven losers and one guy who has proven himself correct with his record on all those things his buddy Joe got wrong, again, logic.
Easy call.
Think about it.
I want to eat chicken and lick my fingers in a social system that is more compassionate for ALL and I want everyone to eat chicken and lick their fingers, too.
I don’t want this because I idolize Bernie. I – no, WE – don’t need our presidents to be heroes.
We just need them to get things right most of the time.