Great article!
Over the past few weeks and in 2020 in general, as I’ve watched both the collective and my own life story, I’ve been increasingly aware…
Great article!
Over the past few weeks and in 2020 in general, as I’ve watched both the collective and my own life story, I’ve been increasingly aware that facing our Fear is of utmost importance.
Interestingly, as I do this, as I find my faith in the face of Fear, I seem to both move forward and then find deeper aspects of this lesson that I must examine.
Anyway, I appreciate you writing (and podcasting) about this important topic.
Last, I’ll say that one of my favorite things I’ve learned over the year regarding fear is that fear stands for: False Evidence Appearing Real. It can look so very, very real, but when we face it, it is like a monster chasing us in our dreams, it often becomes an ally or disappears as though it was never there.
Okay, just something to ponder!