As a cyclist who, in the past few years, has steadily increased my daily rides to the point where I…
I’d love to actually earn some of my living cycling people around. Not only would I get the exercise I love to get and get me outside, but…
As a cyclist who, in the past few years, has steadily increased my daily rides to the point where I rode 10,000 km in 2019 and have ridden over 1,000 kilometers the past three months, I am ALL in favor of this idea.
I’d love to actually earn some of my living cycling people around. Not only would I get the exercise I love to get and get me outside, but it’d be a chance to meet people, too.
In addition, I don’t know how much people who drive cars regularly really ponder the psychological impact being shut inside one’s car has.
In my 20s, I lived in Los Angeles and often commuted by car for over an hour to my job, stuck in traffic, and it always struck me as sad that I was traveling with all of these people yet the only interaction I had with them was in thinking of them as obstacles to my destination.
And now when I bike to work here in Japan, I see the faces of people driving and it is rare I see one that looks to be in a relaxed, happy state.
Recently, I dubbed cars “ego mobiles” but, like the way our modern world has elevated the ego, first-person-only consciousness, it seems to me that being stuck in a car is often all people know and when I bring this stuff up with my car-driving friends, many of them can’t wrap their head around the concept.
Ultimately, I think this future you write about will happen – like it or not – and you’ve given me an idea for how I can “drop out” of the rat race and still be able to pay my bills. Rickshaw driver by day, superhero writer/artist by night, here I come!