Sitemap - 2022 - The Archetypal Lens
Beautifully written expression of one of those deeper Truths that can be hard to accept but can be…
I find it the image the AI generated for "what is the meaning of life?"
I appreciate your comments, and yes, there certainly have been a fair number of hucksters in these…
Thanks for connecting, Alexander.
It's very cool to see a person whose lifelong work inspired such a thoughtful blog post reach out…
Did you/have you looked into the research the article cites?
I believe you are correct, Janis, this process will most likely take place in the coming years and…
Funny how you can be accurate in your analysis elsewhere but be so far off on this one.
Excellent article and introduction to some of the many reasons reading Jung can be helpful on a…
The speech was the Establishment neo-fascists bringing the War on Terror home, demonizing 74…
LMAO. Discussions with thoughtful people who don't slander me but who disagree with me?
Thing is, I'm not interested in arguments/debates.
One can listen but not hear a word.
Related to this article, the art you generated is really cool.
I'm with you. And in one sense, we get to do that every night when we sleep.
Love this exploration of these dyadic cycle, Daljeet.
Wow. It amazes me that people still put ANY trust into ANY of these clearly politically motivated…
Just as you could have "religious nutters," one could very, very easily imagine this "elite" class…
First and foremost, I REALLY appreciate the breadth of creativity and hopeful practicality your…
Or you could take some responsibility for your statement and state why you made it? Just a thought.
I agree with you, for the most part, though I tend to think fanaticism is a disease of…
Yet your name is Dmitry Lavlinskyi so perhaps you're the Russian stirring shit up with this comment.
Yes, it's pretty sad, but unfortunately not too surprising, reading them.
Whatever you do, please don't raise fear levels again like we had in March 2020.
I agree with the overall perspective of your article and am concerned at the level of stubbornness…
Pretty clear you've either never listened to Harris, Peterson or Rogan or you're a nonsense monger…
The fact that you're zeroing in on a writer's use of hyperbole instead of addressing the alarming…
One minor question: Why can't you write "porn"?
If you are not vaccinated, you are not allowed to leave Canada.
While I can agree with much of this article, I can't swallow the idea that Canada, which continues…
THANK YOU for making this point.
Bush’s ‘Gaffe’ Isn’t Merely a Laughing Matter
Exactly. Very misleading headline.
What you're writing about is what the discussion about mass psychosis was about last fall/this…
Best cookies around and Kool Aid, too! Not the Jim Jones variety, mind you!
Sadly, Jessica, I don't think Biden has many honest bones in his body.
I'm not disappointed in Biden because this is precisely what I expected based on his record and the…
I have a fair amount of disagreement with Jessica in her articles, but one reason I read her is I…
Ol' Gore always did have a way with words that cut through the bullshit, didn't he?
The only irrational behavior going on here is unfollowing someone simply because you disagree with…
Well, if you're able to acrobatically kick yourself up the ass, then in my book, you aren't broken…
Thanks. I suppose it's a necessary distinction, though it seems at least in this iteration of human…
Oh, I'm always pleased when feedback I give helps encourage fellow writers to keep writing.
This is an incredible piece, Audrey.
Or if you are a person who has decided not to get a CV19 vaccine in cities like LA, NY or Seattle…
It is. Question for you: what's the difference between an oligarch and a plutocrat?
I generally agree with you, Ray Katz and have made similar comments on both Jessica and especially…
Good on ya, Niko! We need more people to write articles like this one, no matter where they are.
Not the only one, but definitely in a class of his own.
First, I very much enjoyed the humor of your article, as well as the information presented.
Sure, there's grandstanding and the cameras probably change things.
I'm really curious about a few things.
Yes, I read this article and even though I've always defined myself as "off the Left end of the…
A very thought-provoking article, John.
It's true that the war in Ukraine could spark WW3 and nuclear disaster, absolutely.
Excellent advice, Scott, on how to get followers.
Indeed. I started to experience a shift into toxic responses by Democratic faithful in 2015 when…
Yup. Historian Thomas Frank's "Listen Liberal" does a great job detailing the selling out of the…
The Value of Safety Third vs. The Smothering Mother
I Don’t Know What’s Going to Happen and That Scares the Shit out of Me
As a serious student of astrology and a lifelong creative writer, I believe you've tapped into one…
I appreciate that you spent time responding to my question and the compliment on the writing in my…
A Love Story For These Treacherous Times
A question: Was my post, which I wrote from the heart, "full of anger, jealousy, hatred (or) every…
Thanks for your thoughtful response and for speaking from your experience.
I appreciate the kind-hearted, er, "jabbering" fact, I LOVED it!
No sympathy is the problem, IMHO.
Yeah, it's really challenging to hold space for this response.
I agree with you. Disgusting behavior by both men. said it (and, I...laughed hilariously on the floor)
Am I Too Stupid For You To Trust Me?
Oh, I simply have to laugh, Daljeet as I just got very real with my old adversary, Teri Murphy.
Great stuff Daljeet on a downright fascinating, powerful month!
I don't believe in limiting statements like "there is no such thing as..."
I agree with a fair amount of the list though I think I'm well past believing either party had the…
I wonder if you've ever reflected that from the perspective of the VAST majority of people…
No, I don't feel silenced at all.
Certainly probably more fun to chat with!
A much more accurate take, IMHO, and at least one that comes more from a place of compassion than…
Other nonsense, of course, includes Scientism.
I realize I don't agree with you so much on the question of WTF is going on here at the start of…
Yeah, listening to each other--at least for me--is the most challenging thing these days!
No, the Universe is not centered on us.
Okay, let's say your subhead is right and only one side has those things---so, okay, the Democrats…
How I Do The Wim Hof Method: Cold Exposure
How I Do The Wim Hof Method: Meditation
How I Do The Wim Hof Method: Breathing
Yes, the "medicine" that results from our behaviors can be bitter but necessary.
These are the sorts of articles I want to read more of on Medium (and elsewhere)!
You're right when you said maybe you're wrong.
First, as a fellow writer on Medium and for this publication, thanks for taking the time to write…
Umm, Bill Gates is an extremely influential figure in current events.
Glad you liked it, Henya! I had a good time writing it, if memory serves!
I don't understand the point of your posts any more except to be read as doom porn.
I forgot, I was gonna send a link to the article I wrote about that "dream deferred" in 2020.
Yes, I agree about getting the plutocrats out of government and/or at least limiting their…
PS, Please do NOT take my post as, in any way, compelling you to do something you aren't…
Of course "I don't know" is an acceptable answer. Neither do I!
Yes, TBH, I'm a hard-working kind of guy in some ways.
Okay. So who do you think killed Kennedy?