As a serious student of astrology and a lifelong creative writer, I believe you've tapped into one…
Quite simply, faith matters.
As a serious student of astrology and a lifelong creative writer, I believe you've tapped into one of the key insights we are supposed to be taking with us from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. (To put some dates on that transition, I believe we've been in the final days of the Age of Pisces for the past 100 years or so and will enter the Age of Aquarius around 2050, though the 2020s are the harbinger of that age in many ways).
Quite simply, faith matters.
And faith requires humility, a recognition that no matter how smart we may be or we may become with our technological advancement and scientific discoveries (both very Aquarian), we simply CANNOT know it all, nor can any AI or robot that WE created.
But have faith that no matter how things may appear on the surface, there's always something deeper going on, there IS cosmic intelligence and we really are just a tiny-yet-beautiful blip in the Grand Design.