PS, Please do NOT take my post as, in any way, compelling you to do something you aren't…
Having said that, as a person who is tapping more and more into the astrological cycles and how they shape the human experience, I am…
PS, Please do NOT take my post as, in any way, compelling you to do something you aren't comfortable with. I would rather it be an invitation, but one with the clear note that it's totally OK if you want to deny it. I was trying to write it in a way so that one recognizes that, like any good red pill, it comes with a price: disillusionment is not an easy road.
Having said that, as a person who is tapping more and more into the astrological cycles and how they shape the human experience, I am reasonably sure that 2022-23 are going to be years of very serious disillusionment for Americans. I don't know enough about you (barely anything at all!)) to know how far you've come on the process of disillusionment when it comes to US history. I feel like lots of Americans are doing this with regard to the older history--our slave trade and treatment of the indigenous peoples of the American continent, for example--but the more recent stuff may even be harder.
Anyway, hopefully this explains that this was a compassionate invitation! And if you do say, "yes," I'll just say watch the documentary. It's less than two hours but is packed full of eye-opening info.