Love this exploration of these dyadic cycle, Daljeet.
Love this exploration of these dyadic cycle, Daljeet.
Something of note: I watched the Netflix documentary "Trainwreck: Woodstock '99" and went to look at the skies for that period in July. I was surprised to find that less than a week before, on July 18, 1999, Saturn and Uranus were in a square. I don't know if it was the first in that cycle but think it was as Saturn had just entered Taurus in March 1999 and on this pass in summer, Uranus was in retrograde so they met up at 15 degrees 36 minutes.
Anyway, as I watched the movie, I couldn't help but recognize many of the hallmarks of the generational conflict between the Boomers and Gen X/Millenials. What turned that event so sour were many factors but key was the Boomer organizers being so focused on profit that they cut corners on waste management, security and other essential needs for such a massive event, while allowing vendors to price gouge, which was especially inflammatory because it was very hot that weekend and attendees were not allowed to bring in their own liquids. This lack of CARING for the individuals, of seeing them as mere cash cows, is, IMHO, one of the real shadow expressions of the Boomers.
In a sense, what happened there was a microcosm of what has happened in US society. In their desire to profit, to "win the American Dream," the Boomers have created a cutthroat social environment and the citizens living in it have, understandably, become more cutthroat, more focused on surviving by any means necessary than on creating the more beautiful worlds our hearts know is possible that the Boomers as youthful hippies imagined.
I watched the way the wasted, nihilistic attendees burned Woodstock to the ground and saw foreshadowing of how tens of millions would attempt to do the same with their vote in 2016 by electing Donald Trump. In both cases, I hear "we reap what we sow." And in both cases, I've seen an utter lack of taking responsibility for that sowing by the Boomer elders. From the Woodstock '99 organizers Michael Lang and his partner (whose name I've forgotten) to people like the Clintons and the Bushes, I see repeated denial of responsibility and scapegoating (and scapegoating is one of the shadows of Capricorn so with Pluto moving through it, is it any wonder that in a country going through a Pluto Return, we see so much of that behavior?).
I suspect there's much more to be mined here regarding this event and the astrological cycles, but I thought I'd share these thoughts with you for starters.