No, the Universe is not centered on us.
No, the Universe is not centered on us. To believe that is narcissistic and, in the worst case, dangerous to others.
But as I think I've gathered from reading some of your posts, we can be in relationship to our surroundings.
A whale, a river or a boulder may not be "speaking" to us in human languages but that doesn't mean we can't translate their communication into human language that we can understand.
Over the past few years as the human world has increasingly communicated madness and nonsense, had I not, on most days, gone outside and tuned into the various languages around me, I highly doubt I would still be here.
Oh, and just so you know until my mid 30s I had the same opinion you seem to have about astrology. Most of that was trained into me by our "educated" culture, which likes to dismiss things quickly that aren't so easy to explain. For whatever reason, my path led me to an amazing book by a man named Richard Tarnas called "Cosmos and Psyche," which was focused on looking at the astrological cycles and how they relate to human history (a specific type of astrology called 'mundane astrology' which is anything but mundane). I read it in 2007. It opened my mind but still, I didn't pursue the topic any more than small nibbles and dabbles until 2019. That year was very transformative for me and by the fall, I was digging deep into astrology. I've learned it's the study of the cyclical nature of Time and is grounded in Nature. And, to get back to the theme of this response, it's a language. To dismiss it, well that's a person's prerogative, yet I'd suggest it's like dismissing Russian because it sounds like gobbledegook.
Anyway, I appreciate your articles. Keep writing them!