Yes, TBH, I'm a hard-working kind of guy in some ways.
Having said that, I'm re-evaluating what Work is, what is one's Vocation. Not what does one do to survive, but what is one called to this…
Yes, TBH, I'm a hard-working kind of guy in some ways. My natal chart with a ton of planets in Capricorn would say it's because of that.
Having said that, I'm re-evaluating what Work is, what is one's Vocation. Not what does one do to survive, but what is one called to this human experience to do. What is one here to offer in Service of Others? What does one have to give to the world?
Since quittng my full-time job in March 2020, I've been in a deep process of figuring out answers to that question. I think I'm getting them now--at last!--and while I've been off from my paying jobs since Decembe 23rd, I feel I've been putting in six hours a day if not more on various forms of my Work. The thing is, it does not feel like work. I feel so alive as I do it.
But yes, to your final point, I think most people are not granted the awareness of how stressful the 40-hour work week is (and these days, many work even longer hours!), until one gives that schedule up.