The speech was the Establishment neo-fascists bringing the War on Terror home, demonizing 74…
The speech was the Establishment neo-fascists bringing the War on Terror home, demonizing 74 million Americans who voted for Trump and further splitting an already broken national psyche.
Before you think I'm a Trump guy; I'm not (read my articles for evidence). I'm an independent who has long been a critic of fundamentalism in ALL of its forms.
Fundamentalism can wear many faces, and sadly it's got two in the US now---MAGA Trump and Establishment Dems (with Bush-era Republican criminals on board! Yeah!). Psychologically speaking, it projects its shadow onto others and sees only itself as good and perceives only good in itself.
All this speech has done is set the stage for more civil unrest, more government abuses of power in the name of fighting Terror or "saving democracy," and possibly civil war and/or the fracturing of the American political geography.
Biden's been an idiot for as long as he's been in politics, the perfect vehicle for mean-spirited "tough-on-crime" policies in the 1990s and War-on-Terror era legislation in the 2000s that expanded government power at the cost of civil liberties. He hasn't changed, he's doing precisely what a neo-fascist will do.