Hi Tessa. First, thanks for reading and replying.
Hi Tessa. First, thanks for reading and replying.
To answer your question, the Warren Commission was the public face of the cover-up. If you watch the documentary, you see just how far they went to presenting a case which has basically no merit that Oswald acted alone. You may have heard of the magic bullet theory. The doc breaks down not only the craziness of how they explained that bullet worked from a physics standpoint, but shows serious flaws in how the chain of custody was handled which makes it pretty clear the so-called killing bullet was planted on the cart Kennedy's body was on at the Dallas hospital. It's really wild stuff!
In addition, one of the things I wasn't aware of was that future president Gerald Ford was one of the seven members of the Warren Commission and the doc shows evidence that he re-wrote a key part of the autopsy about where the bullet entered Kennedy's body to match up with the magic bullet theory. It's actually quite cut and dried with no need for speculation.
It's clear that they didn't want the public to find out who really did it. The answer to that question remains unknown, but it's obvious there were many people involved in the planning of the assassination and in pulling it off.
I could go into some of the speculation about who and why, but the critical thing to take away is that our government intentionally covered up the murder of our president. And this was in 1963, well before the very real and massive infrastructure of the military-intelligence community had been built to what it is today. To thus simply trust this government as Gates does is to ignore its behavior in our lifetimes.
Again, either he's extremely naive or he's aware of these things but benefits from ignoring them. Considering his ties to Jeffrey Epstein, I have trouble believing Gates doesn't know at least some of this. But he has a top-down, we-elites-are-smarter-and-better-than-you worldview (which we know based on his business practices), so none of this should be a surprise. We just have to be honest about this situation in order to figure out how to handle it. We can start by not giving our credence to any media outlet that interviews Gates like he's some sort of healthy, positive player.