No, I don't feel silenced at all.
The only folks who find that troubling and seek to silence it are those who haven't done any integrative work to merge the masculine and…
No, I don't feel silenced at all. In fact, one of the great joys of life right now is how so many of us who are more right-brained in our orientation are finding our voice and speaking up.
The only folks who find that troubling and seek to silence it are those who haven't done any integrative work to merge the masculine and feminine within.
These two polarities---call iit left brain/right brain, masculine/feminine, science/art, etc., etc.--are supposed to be working together and our civilization, our species and all of Life on Earth will benefit greatly if humanity can move itself onto that path.
"Scientism" is NOT science---no, it is the unhealthy, unintegrated, toxic masculinity which masquerades as speaking for science. So no need for true scientists or for science itself to feel threatened by where I'm coming from, just as I can laugh at the implication in this response that I am a "flat earther." Such comments are spoken from a place of disrespect, and, well, such is the nature of a toxic, non-integrated perspective.