The trees that mend us
are tremendous
in their splendor
not mere timber
but here to help us
that we’re not
so big in our britches
Their branches
stretching fractals
to the sky
on backbones
called trunks
that ground them
Surrounding us
standing in place
as we race
about our business
waiting for our return
they yearn for our
slowness, to notice
their wisdom
and to give them
for creating
space within us
to breath
The trees
won’t leave
us hanging
by their branches
their leaves
in the breezes
of spring
fresh faces for
the world
to celebrate
Persephone’s return
from six months under
where we wondered
if winter would ever end
But the trees?
They never doubted
for all that time
they knew
that their fallen
autumn leaves
would be replaced
new ones sprouting
when the sun came back
Persephone on Mercury’s chariot
a message from the Underworld
which the trees
through their roots
remain connected to
So all you gotta do?
Is connect to them
be a part
of their ever-changing
and their cycling
with the sun
and then you’ll
it’s never done
there is no start
and no end
it’s all a Process
nothing to begin
So thank you trees
for all you give us
thank you for
your fruits and nuts
thank you for your
soothing touch
thank you for
your stability
Thank you, thank you
to the trees.