Yeah, it's really challenging to hold space for this response.
I feel very dismissed by your response, very unheard. Certainly not connected with from a heart place. That's where I wrote my piece from…
Yeah, it's really challenging to hold space for this response.
I feel very dismissed by your response, very unheard. Certainly not connected with from a heart place. That's where I wrote my piece from and that--creating a civilization that is heart-based--is the challenge I think our species is undertaking.
Having said that, if I go to the head, I don't think you made much of a case intellectually. You dismissed my Gates article with one word. Not much of an engagement. I can tell you my politics are not so easily defined; I contain multitudes.
As for the vaccines? Two things: 1) Your numbers about these Covid-19 vaccines don't add up--many places had much higher rates than 50 percent yet the virus continued to spread. 2) Of course vaccines are to protect both the individual and the community. To argue it's one or the other is nonsense. But such argumentation seems one of the diseases of the failing "rational" mind---falling into either/or thinking.
Last, as I wrote in the article, you know nothing about my life conditions, and yet you assume you know that my decision was selfish. You don't know what sacrifices I've made to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19. But your response assumes there is only one sacrifice I can make---get vaccinated---and if I don't, it means I'm selfish.
I realize it's very hard to change beliefs., especially hardened ones. I think it's more effective to connect via the heart.
Yet one of the gifts of the last two years has been recognizing limits to my power and understanding that some are just not going to resonate with me. I've no need to cast you or anyone else who aren't in alignment with me out of my circle; you'll move on, find others who resonate with you, so will I and it's all good.