I wonder if you've ever reflected that from the perspective of the VAST majority of people…
I wonder if you've ever reflected that from the perspective of the VAST majority of people supporting the freedom rallies and those who are there, they are motivated by a desire for freedom from government/corporate over-reach and an upper/upper-middle class that has been not only looking down on them but has promoted policies throughout the era of neoliberalism that has systematically destroyed the working class and working class belief in things like the American Dream.
In short, perhaps watch some live streams from the rallies, read/listen to media sympathetic to them, and you'll learn that the vast majority are not the demons you are painting them out to be. And the last thing they want us is to have power over your life. They simply want power over their own.
Here is one guy who has been doing daily live streams:
(Note: I come from the left, with core liberal values, and there are many like me who are sympathetic to the cause. I believe neoliberalism is really no more than neoconservatism with nicer language (but more disingenuous). And I see this protest as an extension of Occupy Wall Street, the protests against the war in Iraq and against the WTO two decades ago.)