You know what I'm tired of?
Arrogance, especially when it combines with a lack of compassion. Lack of empathy. That's how this article reads to me.
You know what I'm tired of?
Arrogance, especially when it combines with a lack of compassion. Lack of empathy. That's how this article reads to me.
I see no attempt to understand where the Sams of the world are coming from. Judging from the way the author told that back story, I doubt he ever made much of an attempt back then to do that and so he finds himself even more exasperated now that he can't understand today's Sams. (The only time he admits to liking Sam was when Sam would "admit the possibility that he was wrong." That's not empathy).
Just like the lousy colonizers and early anthropologists who went into villages of "the savages" to convert or study them, you're not going to understand people if you feel superior to them.