Funny how you can be accurate in your analysis elsewhere but be so far off on this one.
Funny how you can be accurate in your analysis elsewhere but be so far off on this one. But hey, nobody's perfect!
Dark Brandon's the Shadow projection of the Establishment, scapegoating tens of millions, refusing to look at their own flaws, acting simultaneously the role of the Savior and Bullyin the always-destructive Karpman Drama Triangle and doing their unconscious part in leading to a greater potential for Civil War.
It's also the War on Terror apparatus and mindset coming home to roost.
But considering writers like you have been unable to properly recognize the dangerous, divisive medical authoritarianism of the Covid Era, I'm not too surprised to see you're missing the boat on this one.
None of this is to say Trump or MAGA isn't without serious flaws. It's just to say that Dark Brandon is using classic scapegoating techniques to avoid being president for EVERYONE and to avoid the reality that thus far his presidency has been a failure, and that they don't have any POSITIVE ideas for the next few years.