
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sue.

A few things I’ll respond to.

First and foremost, indeed, we are much more powerful than we have allowed ourselves to believe and I am reasonably sure that awareness of this is growing as your comment suggests.

Over the past several years, there’s been a concerted effort by the dying, corporate, old-model and media and their dying, corrupt allies in the old political and academic institutions to spread negative ideas about the Internet, blaming it for pretty much every social ill under the sun, as well as their electoral defeats.

While I’m not going to say that the Internet doesn’t haven’t downsides (a close reading of my writing can recognize I do my best to see that everything has Light and Shadow), it’s pretty clear to me that most of this attack is because such folks see how much power and influence they are losing due to the rise of the Internet and our ability to use it to communicate more freely and more broadly without gatekeepers.

The astrology of the 2nd half of the 2020s and beyond suggests that our power is only going to grow and what we are going through now is like watching a giant, powerful beast in its death thralls. Dangerous, to be sure, and it will do some damage, but our best tactic is to evade it, keep building our connections and forming new social structures that are beyond its control.

Lest my response here become a post in and of itself, I’ll close by clarifying one thing that I believe your comment suggested about me: While it is true that I care about America and Americans, and I did grow up there (on the West Coast, mostly Washington state (Seattle-area) but also Los Angeles for college and a few years beyond), I have been living in Japan since 2004.

I studied print journalism and political science in college and worked as a newspaper reporter for several years, eventually landing an alternative-weekly in my hometown where I covered politics and social issues for a few years.

I grew increasingly disgusted with the way the US media functions and where I saw it going and got out around the time of my Saturn Return (late 20s).

But over the years, I’ve continued to follow the intersection of media and politics closely, especially in the US, and while I’m now slowly but surely transitioning from a career teaching English into astrology, I will continue to write about those topics, even in my astrology article.

The truth is, thanks to the suggestion of my editor, I toned down some of my more opinionated comments for this piece, only because he correctly pointed out that I was making assumptions that readers were on the same page as me.

I reflected on that in a recent episode of my Daily Bryan Podcast, which is my main 2024 media project where people can get me completely unfiltered. I’ll close by saying sharing a link to that episode below and saying thanks again for your comment because in writing my response, I’ve realized what today’s topic will be for the podcast! I may even share the link to it using the Notes section of this blog.

Anyway, keep reading and I’d encourage more comments not only to me but with others who take the time to create independent media. I strongly believe that’s one of the many ways we create this more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. All for now!


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I forgot to mention, I also have Cancer rising in a late degree. I don't have an accurate birth time but am fairly certain I am not a Leo rising :).

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I hope you are both correct that the tide may be in our favor. I am no fan of Trump but after watching the weoponization of our judicial system against him and others, I am not so confident. The ruling class is expanding there tactics to include the taking of political prisoners while passing laws, across western liberal democracies, that allow them to take down entire media sites like TicTok and declare other alternative news outlets as terrorist adjacent. These decisions will soon be made by whoever is president at the time, see the fine print of the TicTok bill. I can easily see a time, in the near future, when Matt Taibbi will be incarcerated. They have already been attacking him at every opportunity. While all of this is happening liberals in my own family continue to be completely asleep and will roll out their ridiculous counter-narratives that have nothing to do with the eliminations of freedoms and the shredding of our Constitution. On Social Media Elon insists that all information be placed on his site alone, ostensibly to help his bottom line. The true effect is to continue to silo us off and prevent new voices from gaining any traction. These tactics, along with shadow-banning, have been and will continue to be effective. In total my sense is that we are losing. How can it be that a new vaccine combining the yearly flu shot with the experimental and deadly mRNA tech is close to approval and will soon be in mass use? In the U.S. College freshmen, pregnant women, and 6-month old babies are encouraged, compelled, or given the covid vaccine without true informed consent. The downside of the mRNA components are not being disclosed. In the case of the six-month old, they are subject to the uninformed decisions of their caretakers. It is time to step up our game and our rhetoric. We are literally being slaughtered with impunity. The dangers of the mRNA tech would seem to be the one area where many are in agreement. Even there the numbers remain below 50% of people who believe the technology is not safe and not effective. I lost a friend and co-worker to the mRNA tech, He died within 24 hours of receiving his 2nd dose of Moderna. He was 61y/o. There were four of us, RNs working a psych unit on day-shift. A second RN received the experimental vaccine and retired the same year. Her cancer came out of remission and within three years she was dead at age 57y/o. I retired a year early in 2021, a year early after 29 years service. I had unexplained exhaustion that was eventually diagnosed as an endocrine disorder originating in my pituitary and of unknown origin. As someone who has witnessed the devastation of these products up close, the response is not commensurate to the horror that is continuing to be unleashed upon the world. They are effectively silencing our voices so that they can continue to kill us and imprison us with impunity.

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Jul 3Liked by Bryan Winchell

Thanks for this preview. A really interesting and contemplative listen. I feel quite excited about the rest of this year after listening to this (but easy for me to say, not living in the US and all the crap you guys suffer around an election cycle that only ever seems to deliver more of the same sociopathy no matter which figurehead and their flaccid party is supposedly leading the ship). I feel hopeful that more people can more thoughtfully see where we are at collectively now and just how much of what was formerly opaque to most must now be dismantled. We are more powerful than we once thought. Interesting times!

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