Mar 19Liked by Bryan Winchell

Not to be nit-picky. Ok, I'm being nit-picky, but I think I found a slight error. You wrote:

"while the Moon in Aquarius forms a supportive trine to that soon-to-be conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, the sign that Venus rules."

If the. Moon is in Aquarius, it would be a third quarter square to Jupiter and Uranus, no? That adds a bit more tension between the idealistic visions of Aquarius and the grounded earth realities of Taurus. Given that it's third quarter, Aquarius may be wondering why the seeds it attempted to plant during the first quarter square may not have taken root, possibly leading to some re-examination of the visions Aquarius holds for the earth. Just spit balling here....

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Thank you, Leslie!! I’m going to re-write that part and will give you credit.

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