Recommended by Bryan Winchell
John Stokdijk has a very curious, inquisitive mind that always helps me self-reflect when I read his work. He's also extremely readable and will point you to other Substack writers who are worth reading. He keeps his posts---at least so far---short and sweet, so you need not invest a lot of time to give his work a taste. Hopefully, my intro---and the posts I'll be publishing--left you at least a few minutes to check him out.
Some people go a little (lot) deeper and Jeffrey Strahl is one of those people. He's only been in my media world since fall 2023, but I've found the stuff he shares is always worth looking into when I get around to it.
I just found this blog and love how the author is using traditional astrological techniques to breakdown current events. A lot to learn from him, I reckon and, if you are as interested in astrology and the world we inhabit as I am, I think you'll enjoy his work.