Your list is solid and I think the fact that Spielberg makes the list so often speaks to a few…
In many ways, I'm grateful to be a Gen Xer because nowadays there's much fanfare about a culture of safety that cares about us but it's…
Your list is solid and I think the fact that Spielberg makes the list so often speaks to a few things, not only Spielberg's growing power as you mention as the industry shifted into focusing on summer blockbusters, but also how Hollywood culture has long been disinterested in nurturing kids in a healthy way.
In many ways, I'm grateful to be a Gen Xer because nowadays there's much fanfare about a culture of safety that cares about us but it's even less true when we look at how it actually behaves, while simultaneously it has taken away activities that can be dangerous but also are fun and can teach kids/humans valuable lessons. It's kind of the worst of both worlds now in this sense.