Yes, the Pluto Return is something to be very aware of.
Last, while I've had responses to Umair removed by the Medium censors strictly because I call for him to go DEEPER (more Pluto) and to…
Yes, the Pluto Return is something to be very aware of. In addition, over the weekend, Pluto has regressed back into Capricorn after its first dip into Aquarius and, on Election Day 2024 (11/5), it will be at the very end of Capricorn before entering Aquarius for good for the next 19 years. It's a time of huge transitions and I believe it behooves any commentator on current events to understand this.
Last, while I've had responses to Umair removed by the Medium censors strictly because I call for him to go DEEPER (more Pluto) and to recognize that BOTH parties are a part of the problem, I'm not going to stop pointing this out.
After all, anyone who thinks merely keeping Trump out of the WH or even weakening the Republicans is somehow going to be "standing for democracy" or whatever other platitudes we are hearing, hasn't been paying attention to the authoritarian tendencies expressed by the so-called liberals and progressives over the past few years in their response to the COVID-19 situation. Case in point: Justin Trudeau, a liberal, responding to citizens he governs by calling them racists, Nazis and misogynists and then having banking institutions freeze their funds simply because they gathered to protest his vaccine mandates. I'm a Left Libertarian who still proudly calls myself a liberal and that is NOT the sort of behavior I expect from liberals.
For whatever reason, Umair consistently misses this so I no longer consider him the deep thinker he tries to pass himself off as.