Wow, simply wow.
Some absolutely deep, compassionate, thoughtful, forward-thinking wisdom here.
I resonated with every single one of these “demands,” and I only put that word in quotes because it maybe has the slight connotation of an unbalanced power dynamic to me. That said, I still use the word because the spirit of each of these on the list is for a world that both highly values the individual and seeks a more unified, healthy culture.
Too much of our current “thinking” plays the outdated binary choice game where we think there is some inherent battle between personal sovereignty and collective needs.
That is obviously not true if you build a culture which has a core value of both personal sovereignty AND personal responsibility.
We want to be free, but being free doesn’t mean we get to walk roughshod over the world around us. Great power equals great responsibility, indeed because it is the ability to respond that gives each of us our power.
Anyway, great, comprehensive list. I’ll give some thought to adding some of my own. For now, Caitlin’s list is a great start!