This is all true but, as some of the fact checkers love to put it, "lacking context."
Yes, we can recognize Trump did these things.
This is all true but, as some of the fact checkers love to put it, "lacking context."
Yes, we can recognize Trump did these things.
That said, zoom out a bit and remember: we know from the Wikileaks Podesta email leaks that the Hillary campaign played a rather large role in helping Trump become the Republican nominee, because they were so arrogantly convinced they could beat him.
If you want to understand Trump, begin by recognizing that Trump as President is a co-dependent relationship gone very wrong. And since November 2016, the Democrats---and by extension, their supporters (which I suspect the author counts himself as)---have been latching onto anything that might get the orange dye out of their collective hair.
In short, Trump might be America's monster, but the Clintonian Democrats are his Dr. Frankenstein. Trump is a story of System Failure, not One Bad Apple.