There's absolutely NO nail being hit on the head because you ONLY pay attention to the one side of…
Any commentator who focuses only one side of the Authoritarianism is missing the REAL danger of our situation, which is that no matter…
There's absolutely NO nail being hit on the head because you ONLY pay attention to the one side of the nail.
Any commentator who focuses only one side of the Authoritarianism is missing the REAL danger of our situation, which is that no matter which political party is in power, authoritarianism is on the rise from THAT party, that political ideology.
Let me make a clear example: In 2021 when a brand-new, experimental medical procedure was introduced, political bodies---some democratically elected, some not---joined forces with Big Tech and Big Media to shut down, demonize and sideline ANY conversation that was even inquiring into whether said treatment was as "safe and effective" as we were being told. Several months later, President Joe Biden goes on TV---the week before the 20th anniversary of 9/11---and makes his own version of "with us or against us" speech, saying "we've run out of patience" with those people who made a PERSONAL decision about whether or not to get that medical treatment and he tried to force through laws that would FIRE PEOPLE FROM THEIR JOBS---threatening their livelihood---all because they choose differently.
Meanwhile, CNN runs a factually incorrect smear campaign against Joe Rogan and Ivermectin, referring to this Nobel Prize winning medicine that has been used billiions of times FOR HUMANS as a "horse dewormer" and CNN's Don Lemon goes on a classically uninformed rant about how "stupid" those of us are who didn't get the medical intervention.
Notice how all of THIS authoritarian behavior, disguising itself as science but being nothing of the sort, comes from the so-called Left. As a guy who has proudly called myself a Leftist all my life, it disgusts me to NO end. I'm 50 now and until several years ago, the Left was always the anti-censorship side of the aisle, the side that believed open discussion and debate led to a healthier society. Nowadays? Not so much.
So I could take my Medium platform and, like Umair here, write countless articles about all of these examples (and more) of the Authoritarianism of the Left. It would probably even increase my readership by preaching to the choir, much as I feel Umair frequently does in these articles he does on the rise of fascism while only pointing out the Right-wing version of it.
No, sadly the truth is, as the world splits apart and individuals increasingly recognize not only incompetence but malevolence amongst the ruling class, that ruling class will increasingly try to hold onto power through authoritarianism. They'll dress it up to fit their ideology, but deep down, it's the same shit: Don't trust the individual, sell yourself on the idea that ONLY you and your team can "manage" society and then use ends-justify-the-means justification for all of your worst behaviors. The sooner we realize that the authoritarianism---no matter its colors---is the problem and stop focusing on just one form of it, the more likely we will come up with solutions to combat it.