The mindset of Control feeds the various industrial-complexes that go to war with things---from…
The mindset of Control feeds the various industrial-complexes that go to war with things---from poverty and drugs to terrorists and viruses.
You're not incorrect about the role of greed and, yes, the actual Operating System of late-stage, collapse capitalism.
The thing is, I've been reading you for several years so I know you knew this was the most likely outcome. Or, did you? I ask because last year I was listening to the words of Bill Gates and sharing them with friends who had put much trust in him and I was told my repeating his words were conspiracy theories, that I'd been influenced by Trumpsters or some such nonsense.
No, I just happen to consume non-mainstream, actual Left-wing (not woke) media. As well as media that has been questioning official narratives for years but which gets dismissed as conspiracy theories. Funny thing is, those outlets have been nailing the CV19 drama.
Which leads to my final point: Did you bother to look into the most important thing to consider about Omicron, which is its symptoms? If you had, I believe the tone of your article would be much different, much less doom-and-gloom. Because reports are that the symptoms are mild, likely milder than Delta. Yes, we need more data. But this is in alignment with the way viruses usually behave---they increase their ability to spread but decrease their symptoms. Turns out viruses want to hang around just like us! Thus, a better strategy is not to continue an unwinnable war (and fuel an unending gold rush for Big Pharma), but to have a more holistic public health approach that mitigates the damage of diseases and allows humans and our environment the potential to thrive going forward.