The bigger problem in America than Covid-19, a problem that had been growing over the past few…
Now, I can understand how people from all sides are having trouble relating to folks with different perspectives, so I can understand where…
The bigger problem in America than Covid-19, a problem that had been growing over the past few decades but got an injection of steroids in 2020, is lack of empathy.
Now, I can understand how people from all sides are having trouble relating to folks with different perspectives, so I can understand where this article is coming from.
Having said that, even in the future this article paints, the lack of empathy will remain a problem. Why? Ask yourself: how much empathy does this article have?
Last, one of the many aspects of cognitive dissonance of these times is how those who have the perspective of this author have been shouting from the rooftops that if we don't share their solution for the situation we are in, then we somehow don't care about people, yet they go on to write articles like this one. It's worth reflecting on, I think.