The Ban on Ivermectin Is F%#ked!
The obstructionist media and government campaign against this life-saving drug is a crime against humanity and I’m pissed about it
The obstructionist media and government campaign against this life-saving drug is a crime against humanity and I’m pissed about it
I’ve been holding it in. But it’s time for a good rant.
The topic is the repression of Ivermectin by so-called “public health” departments and the complicity of the Western media in not sharing the story of the effectiveness and proven safety of this drug in treating Covid-19. This resonates on a very deep level for me, but I’ll get to that toward the end of this article.
In sum, I’m tired of how those who say they are trying to save me are actually willing to prevent and even punish me for trying to save myself.
(And I think a lot of people resonate with that).
This post was inspired by listening to the excellent, eye-opening podcast from Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Cory where they “discuss the ongoing pandemic, the care of Covid-19 patients and the incredible story of Ivermectin.”
After listening to just about all of this podcast, I’m feeling a lot of anger today at the fact that some governments around the world are clamping down on access to Ivermectin. It makes no sense if they truly want to address the pandemic and save lives and, well, it simply reinforces some of the conspiratorial speculations I can’t help but ponder.
Seeing some of the absolutely batshit, and yes, infantilizing PR campaigns to get people to take the vaccine is also driving me up a banana tree right about now. I feel like those of you in English-speaking countries probably don’t need me to share an example, but since I brought it up, here is a picture a friend just sent me.
This friend has done some heavy research into vaccine alternatives and came across Ivermectin several months ago. As a result, she went to look for some to have in case she or her family got Covid-19. She wasn’t able to get the version just made for humans, but was able to source some IVM that veterinarians use for horses. She says it’s safe and recommended I get it if I can’t find the ones for humans here in Japan (which so far I’ve been unable to).
Now, I suppose I could do that as a backup but it irks me to no end that this is happening. Why am I denied access to a drug that the WHO has on its “List of Essential Medicines” and which has a 40-year proven safety record? Especially when there is evidence of it being effective in countries all around the world?
I simply want to do what is best for me and my family and the government under the guise of “public health” is denying us that opportunity.
And before you say, “Bryan, just get vaccinated” please understand: I live in Japan and Japan has had one of the slowest vaccine rollouts of the developed countries in the world. It’s a real scandal here. So it’s not even an option, even if I wanted to go that route.
Meanwhile, over the past several weeks, there was a rise in cases (they are going down again now) and yet, here is this drug, Ivermectin, that has been proven in countries all over the world to work (the information is talked about in the above podcast; this post is not intended as an informational one that supports my position with links and such. It is a rant. I trust you, the reader, to look into it).
In addition, this drug has a long safety record (40 years) that these vaccines do not have and cannot have because they are new. That’s not a knock on the vaccines; I really do hope they turn out to be safe in the long term for most of my family and friends have been vaccinated. Instead, those are just facts.. Don’t deny those facts by focusing on semantics like “experimental.”
Speaking of semantics, you can spit out at me all you want that these new vaccines are “safe and effective” and, hey, perhaps you will be proven right in a few years or a decade, but if you are going to use those as your metrics (which I think you should), well, Ivermectin is also safe and effective. Below is a website that has the data with the meta-analysis of studies and reports done all over the world to prove this.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 94 studies
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 94
So sorry, Wiki-fucking-pedia, your note that “No reliable evidence exists to back up such claims” is bullshit.
If I was elderly, I’d be less concerned about the vaccine because, well, long-term effects aren’t as important for older people. But I’m not. Nor are my kids. So I deeply resent this cultural push that everyone must get vaccinated for this, especially when we have what is an alternative cure.
Do we want to solve this thing or not? If you do, how do you propose to convince vaccine hesitant people like me to get vaccinated? If you knew there was a safe and effective alternative for us that would help us reach heard immunity, wouldn’t you be in support of it? Last, in countries where the vaccines are not and won’t be available for some time, wouldn’t you want them to have access to Ivermectin to at least fucking try it?
In addition, it’s also annoying that Ivermectin was actually discovered by a Japanese scientist and it seems to be indigenous only to Japan, yet this (so far) is very difficult to get one’s hands on here in Japan.
And I’m reading that this is the case in many other “modern” countries as well. Is this truly for our safety or is there something else going on here?
If you are quick to dismiss such questions, I say this without judgment, but I believe you are, just as I have been, simply not being informed by the media you consume on this topic. So again, if you want to earnestly broaden your understanding, I highly recommend you spend at least an hour listening to the Dark Horse podcast. Here is the link again.
Now, I bring up the media because I was under the mistaken impression that, like the lab leak hypothesis, the Ivermectin story was starting to go mainstream. Yet a few hours ago when I did a Google search for Ivermectin under the “news” tab, I got such prominent outlets as “The Desert Review,” “Healio” and the “Jamaica Observer.”
This is a reminder that we sometimes forget that the media we intake is not the media that everyone intakes. Note taken.
But it speaks to the bigger problem. And that is, there is a deliberate campaign of obstruction going on here. I mean, did you know that Ivermectin was approved of and used by governments in Peru, Mexico, South Africa and India (among others) and, after they did so, the cases and death rates dropped rapidly?
Like me, you probably didn’t. And that’s because, just as with the lab leak hypothesis, the Western media deliberately is not telling you this story. (I’ll save my speculation for why that is the case for another post).
Instead, the media and the various arms of PR agencies are pouring all their efforts into one solution: Vaccines. As can be seen by that absolutely awful “Health” Department poster.
Now, before I close, I want to explain why this resonates so deeply for me. You see, it reminds me of how — literally — -when I was 25, my life was very possibly saved from drug addiction because of an LSD trip. Yet, the Culture (yes, capital C) would have used its Gestapo to throw me in jail had I been caught with said LSD. Fuck them. Sorry, not sorry.
Thus, I’ve lived my life with a very lived distrust of public officials who use the justification of “for your safety” and this has informed me throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Again, I’m tired of those who say they are trying to save me being willing to prevent and/or punish me for trying to save myself.
Last, yes, there’s this part of me that’s saying, Bryan, calm down, hold in the anger, but sometimes I think we have to channel righteous anger. Anger is not always a bad thing. It’s Jesus in the temple with the moneylenders. And if this situation doesn’t stir some anger — -what will? Isn’t the whole goal of the vaccine movement to help society — and people — be protected and healthy? So why ban access to a proven safe and effective drug that can do that?? WTF??
Finally, I don’t like to rant. It takes a lot out of me and I recognize it can trigger negative emotions in others. I hate doing that. It’s not my intent to cause others harm. However, I just can’t remain silent any more. I’m disgusted and I’m hoping by writing about these feelings, I can do my small part to raise awareness about this important topic and encourage others to speak out as well.
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