Taurus Season 2024 Is Expansive, Revolutionary and Relaxing
A Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and a powerful Scorpio Full Moon start things with a bang, but Taurus Season settles nicely and let's us all catch our breath
(Note: You can listen to me read this article on my podcast here.)
One practical way to learn the archetypes of the 12 signs of the Zodiac is to consider Mother Nature's characteristics as the Sun passes through the respective signs.
For example, the first month of spring is the first sign, Aries. How is the first month of spring where you live?
Here in central Japan, the weather is at its most volatile, with its widest range of possibilities. For example, in 2024, the first few days of Aries Season saw record-breaking lows in the 20s and snowfall, but one week later, we had our first 80-degree day (and my first complaint about “the heat.”).
In a sense, Mother Nature will do anything to initiate changes during Aries Season. Meanwhile, new life is bursting forth from the ground, and the birds, bees, and bugs begin to chatter again. Cardinal signs kick off or initiate the four seasons, and none are more dramatic than Aries, which is fitting because Aries is a Fire sign.
Eventually, this energy settles, bringing us to mid-spring, aka Taurus Season. Taurus is an Earth sign, and because it occupies the middle of a season, it is known as a Fixed Sign. In other words, you don’t get much more spring-like than Taurus Season.
Now, before we get into the particulars of the psychological weather for 2024’s Taurus Season, there’s one more fascinating way to learn these 12 archetypes. You see, each archetype acts like a corrective to the one that preceded it. Thus, does Aries Season seem a bit too impulsive? Welcome to the chilled-out vibe of Taurus Season.
And why shouldn’t we chill out in mid-spring? The days are only getting longer, and the weather is warming up to a delightful range, so luxuriating outdoors is a great way to spend time. Stop and smell the roses, crazy Aries! Life’s too good to be in such a hurry!
This is the invitation of Taurus Season. And, wouldn’t ya know it, in 2024, the planetary lineup only reinforces this invitation. Let’s get into it.
Taurus Season Astro Data
Note 1: All dates are in GMT. To get all the charts and find the exact times in your area, go to April and May.
Note 2: The items with charts are this month’s most notable moments, which I’ll address in the article.
April 19: Mercury Conjunct Venus (technically in Aries Season but worth noting)
April 19: Sun Enters Taurus (chart)
April 21: Jupiter-Uranus Conjunct in Taurus: (chart), Venus Conjunct Chiron in Aries, Sun in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius
April 23: Full Moon in Scorpio (chart)
April 25: End Mercury Retrograde
April 29: Mars Conjunct Neptune in Pisces (chart), Venus Enters Taurus
April 30: Mars Enters Aries
May 1: Venus in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius
May 2: Pluto Goes Retrograde
May 3: Mars in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius
May 7: Mercury Conjunct Chiron in Aries, Sun in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces
May 8: New Moon in Taurus (chart)
May 13: Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus (chart), Venus in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces
May 15: Mercury Enters Taurus
May 17: Mercury in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius
May 18: Mars Conjunct the North Node in Taurus, Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus, and Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus (chart)
May 19: Sun in Taurus Sextile Neptune in Pisces
April 19th-25th: Starting With a BANG!
It’s as if Taurus Season wanted to allow the astrologically active Aries Season energy to persist a little bit longer. After all, just one day after the Sun enters Taurus, we have the transformational, revolutionary energy of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which only happens every 13 to 14 years.
On a recent episode of his excellent podcast, my current teacher Adam Elenbaas invited listeners to track this fascinating Jupiter-Uranus cycle in their lives and observe how it expresses itself for them. Collectively, the last time these two met—2010-11—the Arab Spring spread across the Middle East, Wikileaks was exposing massive corruption in the US security state, and Occupy Wall Street set up camp demanding changes to late-stage, extractive capitalism.
A key point to remember about conjunctions between planets is that they are seeding points, akin to a New Moon (technically a conjunction between the Sun and Moon). This means while there may be revolutionary events or scientific breakthroughs announced over the weekend, what’s more likely is that this period will seed some of those things. We may not even know about them for several months or even years.
Going back to you as an individual, this is an excellent opportunity to revolutionize your life, dream the impossible, and let your imagination exceed any boundaries or bad habits you’ve set up for yourself.
Having said all of that, no astrological chart is about one aspect; we always have to consider the whole thing. For example, be aware that Mercury will still be retrograde until April 25th.
Thus, my advice is to be mindful not to charge ahead with any bright ideas and consider waiting until May to be safe.
After all, one of the shadow sides of Jupiter-Uranus is being overconfident in one’s ability to bring about decisive, quick change. The story of Rudolf Hess, the Nazi who flew to England and crashed his plane in Scotland in a futile attempt to broker peace with the Brits, is instructive, as it occurred two days after the last time these two planets met in Taurus (check out my recent podcast episode as well as this video for more on that).
As if this conjunction wasn’t enough, a few days later, we get our yearly Full Moon in Scorpio.
Sometimes known as the “Buddha Moon” because it was the moon under which Buddha became enlightened, this full moon, with its square to Pluto in Aquarius, offers support for some deep transformation. Played right with the revolutionary Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, this week could be one to look back on as a turning point in our lives.
April 26th-May 2nd: Be Your Own Guru!
As we are settling into the luxurious, relaxing nature of Taurus season, we have the confusing-yet-possibly-spiritually-empowering biannual conjunction of Mars and Neptune on the 29th on deck.
As someone with this aspect in my natal chart (in Sagittarius), this is a fascinating-if-frustrating energy. On one hand, it can mean a considerable drive (Mars) in our approach to our spirituality and mysticism (Neptune). On the other, it can mean a diffusion (Neptune) of our energies (Mars), akin to spreading ourselves too thin or wanting to do everything all at once and, as a result, getting nothing done.
With this conjunction in Neptune’s home sign of Pisces, it seems a clear invitation to turn our energies toward spiritual and mystical pursuits. I use the word “mystical” as an invitation not to let Mars make one’s explorations dogmatic or authoritarian. You might find the next big spiritual solution during such a transit, and that’s great; just give it some Saturnian treatment, i.e., work slowly and steadily and see how much juice there is for your inspiration.
After all, blending Mars and Neptune has just as much of a chance for one to be Jim Jones as it does Jesus Christ. And really, aren’t we past the time in human evolution when people need gurus anyway?
Getting off my Mars/Neptune soapbox, I can look just a bit later in the day of April 29th and then to April 30th to see something quite pleasing to the astrological eye. Both Venus, which enters Taurus, and Mars, which enters Aries, will enter signs they rule.
When planets are in the signs they rule (or their temples in the vernacular of ancient astrologers), they function more effectively. Thus, these transits offer a better opportunity to work with our willpower (Mars) and our desire (Venus), and we’ll have the rest of Taurus Season (and more) to appreciate these energies.
To start May, Venus will be squaring Pluto, which offers a chance to reflect deeply on how our relationships have evolved since the two planets met in February. Pluto must have been feeling a bit left out of our conversations these past several weeks because, on May 2nd, it will begin its retrograde, as well.
During that retrograde, it will make its final dip into Capricorn this fall before entering Aquarius in the latter half of November until the early 2040s. I’ll likely write more about those topics in future posts. Still, for now, retrogrades are always opportunities to review and re-adjust our relationships with the archetypes of those particular planets.
Thus, for Pluto, considering the role of power in our lives—how we use it, how we crumble under it, and how we can avoid its worst impulses—is one invitation from this Pluto Retrograde. May 3rd seems a nice day to do that, considering that Mars will make a supportive sextile to Pluto.
May 3rd-May 9th: Seeding Our Material World
Astrologically, this third week of Taurus Season is our least active, but the New Moon in Taurus highlights it.
Taurus New Moons are always opportunities to seed projects relating to more earthly matters, be that beginning a new project in one’s garden to changing how one handles one’s finances. Taurus is about resources, and because it’s the first Earth sign and a Fixed energy, this means something more substantial than money. After all, money is the medium used to exchange goods and services, which is related to the Air-like nature of Gemini (and Mercury). No, I’m thinking of topics like agriculture, land, and precious metals here.
Returning to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus that kicked off the month, I wonder if global farmer’s protests might be a steadily rising theme throughout Taurus Season.
More ominously, could we also see more possible “fixes” to the broken, mischievous economic system proposed by the same kind of people who gave us this current fakery?
One of the shadow sides of Taurus is complacency and laziness, and I hope that the collective will not be captured by promises of convenience when governments around the world present their central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Before I step off this soap box, while I’m not a money-focused person, I know enough about the promise of things like BitCoin to know that one of its core components is decentralization, so the idea of a central bank digital currency should strike folks as a non-starter oxymoron.
Hey, weren’t we luxuriating in Taurus Season here, Bryan? What’s with the sudden injection of politics?
Well, folks, like it or not, we still live in a world where these political decisions can impact our ability to relax and appreciate the finer things of life, so let’s not be too complacent about these topics, okay?
May 10th-May-19th: A Bubble of Positivity to End the Season
Hey, Bryan, what’s with the extra few days added to this final week? I don’t know, you tell me! I’m just trying to break these segments into digestible sections, and aligning the Gregorian calendar with the astrological calendar sometimes makes that challenging.
Regardless, the tail end of Taurus season is highlighted by the Sun’s annual conjunction with Uranus on May 13th, Mercury entering Taurus on the 15th, and an active final two days on May 18th and May 19th. Let’s focus our attention on those two days.
You see, Venus meeting Uranus in her home sign of Taurus may shed some beneficial light on the seeds you planted early in the month with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction or during the New Moon in Taurus, especially in your personal finances. You might feel compelled to feel into the reality that we live in an abundant world and tap into income-making potentials that you’ve previously not believed possible.
With Mars Conjunct the North Node in Aries and the Sun Conjunct Jupiter on the same day, I can’t help but feel some excitement that we may feel some real drive to expand our potential at the end of this Taurus Season. On top of that, there’s support to make this more than strictly a material matter but to add some mystical wisdom to the mix with the Sun making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces the next day.
Overall, this feels like a very positive conclusion to a month of great potential and a more grounded sense of Being than what we went through in fiery, volatile Aries Season (with a Mercury Retrograde and two powerful eclipses). I wish you the best! Let me know how things went or if you have further thoughts or questions in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading! You can support me simply by sharing my stuff, by buying me a coffee, by linking to me on Twitter or Facebook , or by listening to my 2024 podcast, The Daily Bryan Podcast. I’m having a good time over there and hope to “see” you!
You can also check out my epic novel of magical realism set in the momentous years following 9-11, “The Teacher and the Tree Man.” You can find that book in full here, or broken down into four shorter books (book 1, book 2, book 3 and book 4) or you can listen to it for free.
Last, I have two old works of media: a blog from 2011--2018 and a podcast that was active from 2020-2023.