The Archetypal Lens
The Archetypal Lens Podcast
Pay Attention! This Week Sets The Tone For Our Future
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -45:18

Pay Attention! This Week Sets The Tone For Our Future

Our first Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius kicks off the Pluto-in-Aquarius Era

Hi folks,

While I spent a few hours earlier today working on an article explaining my six-month absence from this blog, it seems all those reversed Tarot cards I've been drawing recently for my daily Tarot draw weren't lying: This is still a time of introspection and rest, rather than extroversion and hard work.

Thus, that article about what I've been up to has been put on hold.

Much as my heavy Capricorn aspects hate to hear that, the Cancer Rising in me, as well as the man who published 366 podcasts for all 366 days of 2024, is very grateful that both my energies and my ability to sit down for an extended period to focus on creating media are still regaining strength. I’m accepting those limitations as gracefully as possible.

However …

I felt like I had to put something out into the world about this upcoming week because there are both some astrological transits—-notably the Sun leaving the fated, very active-in-the-past-year's-current-events final degree of Capricorn for Aquarius, where it will meet Pluto for the first time of Pluto's transit through that revolutionary sign—-and current events—the (re?)-inauguration of Donald Trump as President of (still) the most powerful country on the planet, and the most powerful country in (verified/non-Graham-Hancockified) human history, that are telling me this is one of those periods to pay close attention to because seeds are being planted which will, bloom or not, significantly impact the next few years (and beyond).

As I've been rekindling my appreciation for and use of astrology to help me make sense of my life and the world, yesterday I was listening to a podcast I did last year that reminded me that one of the great gifts of astrology is that it can help us discern when to pay attention and when to look away.

Now, if you don't really care about having a sense of where things may be going, this gift isn't for you. But if you do care, then astrology, with its myriad levels of cycles, can help us notice patterns in upcoming charts which signify the Universe is giving us some clues about what may be coming.

Now, before I finish this intro and ask you to listen to the meat of my commentary in the full audio above, you'll note that I say, "may be coming." Because of that dastardly, beautiful gift known as Free Will, which humanity is granted because of that tricky thing called conscious self-awareness, there are no guarantees about what the future will bring. All astrology can do is point to the patterns, which I like to call the "psychological weather forecast," and even within those patterns, there are positive and negative manifestations. Now, I'd be a real jerkwad if I said that you, dear reader, have no impact on how you respond to these psychological weather events.

After all, astrologers worth their salt were all telling the world many years before 2020 that that was going to be a powerful and very challenging year—-with a "negative" Saturn-Pluto-Sun-Mercury conjunction in Capricorn in mid-January 2020—and, indeed, I think we'd judge 2020 as a "tough" or "bad" year for humanity in general.

However, some people said 2020 was one of their best years ever. There are all sorts of reasons for that—-some of which can be discovered by examining an individual's native chart—-but the main one is that individuals always, always have a choice in how they respond to and engage with life.

This lesson was made very real in the spring of 2023 when my path took me into a 45-day stint in a local Japanese police station jail cell. I speak from experience--because I made the most of my time there, managed to have some fun, and learned a lot about myself—-not just from reading the profound book by Victor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, about how he survived—and thrived in—a concentration camp in Nazi Europe by recognizing we always have a choice in how we respond to our circumstances.

Ultimately, what I'm saying here is one of the messages I will share until I take my dying breath: You are not a powerless victim; you are a powerful co-creator.

Thus, as we take a Big-Picture perspective on ourselves and our world this week and in this audio post, I invite you to take this time to look for little (or big?) hints from the Universe about where things are and where they may be going. I'm confident that this will bear fruit.

Okay, if you want to hear more of why I feel this way about this week (and month), go back to the top of this page and listen to the audio—-or click here to listen via my new podcast for 2025, the Whenever Bryan Podcast. That's right, it's no longer Daily—-never again!—-but I suspect it'll be picking up as the year—-and I—begin to pick up my energy, as well. Thank you for reading (listening) and enjoy!

If you don’t want to hear all of this again, skip ahead to 5:18 of the podcast where I pick up after reading all the above. From there, it’s all virgin territory, so wear your best boots!)

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