Nice article, Jules. I look forward to seeing where you take this.
I have observed for a while now that the thinking that fueled eugenics is much more mainstream than most are aware of. I see how those who…
Nice article, Jules. I look forward to seeing where you take this.
I have observed for a while now that the thinking that fueled eugenics is much more mainstream than most are aware of. I see how those who, for whatever reason, performed well in school and moved up in the "meritocracy" have increasingly looked down upon those who didn't. In addition, I have watched as the environmental movement has morphed from one with a basis in love of Mother Nature to one of contempt for humanity, seeing us as akin to a cancer.
And now, with once intellectual giants such as Noam Chomsky expressing that those who have chosen not to have an experimental medical intervention to protect themselves from CV19 should have to fend for themselves in terms of getting food to their table, we can see how the overly politicized CV19 situation can act as a Trojan Horse for this same sort of dehumanizing "thinking" of the eugenicists.
Point is, it seems as your essay suggests, eugenics is much more widespread in our culture than most would ever suspect. Again, I look forward to seeing what you discover!