My Many Minds About RFK Jr. For President
Is he an American Empire destroyer? A false prophet? A wounded healer? A free speech protector? A technocratic wet dream? Or all of the above? Who knows!
Note #1: The original note on this post was a mistake. I’m free and doing great. Sorry if you read it and felt any worry.
Note #2: I plead insanity on this one, but I beg you to take everything written completely seriously. Your life may depend upon it. Or not.

Written on a sultry Saturday night from my hillside hovel in central Japan on the ledge of Leo Season in 2023, the following thoughts are by no means all of my ruminations on RFK Jr as a candidate for president of the Good Ol’ US of A.
In addition, I reserve the right to claim that I was buggered beyond belief on a chemical cocktail of undefined genius and ill repute when I am brought in front of the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Insectoid Intelligence for crimes against the State which include, but are not limited to, desire for sedition, seduction, and celebration…
Yes, it seems everyone and their donkey is creating media about RFK Jr and more than 77.92 percent of it is completely fabricated, so why not add my 33 yen to the kitty?
Basically, I am of more minds than an earthworm, which means some of this might be coming out of my backside.
Now, with all of these disclaimers out of the way, here are just 10 of my many minds:
Mind #1
One mind says this is the 2016 Election on steroids, a fitting end to the run of Pluto through Capricorn and the United States’ Pluto Return, and this means all of those media pundits who are laughing about even the possibility of RFK Jr. winning are some of our most dense morons, the kind of people who cause better writers than me to coin phrases about not learning from history and thus repeating it.
In short, yes, I think there’s a somewhat realistic chance of RFK Jr. being the Democratic nominee one year from now.
And then becoming president.
I’m probably wrong, probably guilty of confusing my hopes with accurate prognastication. This confusion has deluded many finer predictors than me.
That said, back in the 1990s, I accurately saw that America was going to spend the next few decades declining right when everyone around me, drunk on the “victory” over the USSR and celebrating the “end of history,” thought I was nuts and laughed in my face. I take no pleasure in saying, “Who’s laughing now” because, like my prediction that the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars would be decades-long boondoogles, I take no pleasure in being right about crappy things.
Anyway, for those who just can’t expand their imagination wide enough to consider that a Kennedy might become president, please remember, Donald freakin’ Trump became president. And you were probably the type of person who couldn’t believe that, and likely continued disbelieving it even after it happened so much so that you were easy prey for the Russiagate conspiracy theorists.
Last, remember, Trump became president because many Americans are fed up with the Establishment because life in America this millennium hasn’t been going so well for many people under Establishment rule. The trends of that fed-up-ness have only continued since 2016.
For those reasons, RFK Jr’s shot at the presidency shouldn’t be laughed at. Unless you like to appear foolish, then by all means, keep laughing!
Mind #2
A second mind retorts that the cynics are correct, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is more clever, more Machiavellian, and more evil than their Republican counterparts and thus they will never let RFK Jr. — -or, no, to let the person the voters want — -win their corrupted process. Thus, RFK Jr. has no chance.
We saw this in 2016 and, even more, I’d argue, in 2020, with how they rigged things against Bernie Sanders. I hated that, but I had to admit it — -they were much slicker than the RNC was in 2016 and they haven’t gone anywhere.
R.I.P., My American Dream
Saying Goodbye to Bernie, Hoping America Can Survive as a Nation While Welcoming a New
That said, aren’t more people onto them by now? Won’t people barbeque Deborah Wasserman Schulz’s chihuahuas this time around if the DNC again strangles democracy in the cradle? Hell, New Hampshire’s all ready to tell the DNC to F off and die since it’s planning to move South Carolina into New Hampshire’s traditional first election slot so Weekend at Biden can avoid losing.
Obviously, I don’t like this second mind and tend to argue with it.
Mind #3
A third mind says that none of it matters, anyway, that the US screwed the pooch on being able to survive this Pluto Return all the way back when some real sick losers killed JFK in broad daylight, then Malcolm, MLK, RFK and John Lennon and got away with it … and good riddance to a dark force, welcome to a post-USA Planet Earth. Let’s just hope that doesn’t mean all of our annihilations as the Empire lashes out in its death thralls, or my conscription into the Chinese Gulag where I’ll be serving gyoza to those aforementioned chihuahuas, now owned and petted Dr. Evil-like by our Chinese overlords, and forced to smile about it.
Mind #4
A fourth mind says that America — -at least our ideals, things like, I don’t know freedom of speech which is apparently a trope from “far-right extremists” according to some demented Democrats this week — -is fucking worth saving, that the Japanese people in my life have helped teach me this, helped me realize that, in the minds of many around the world, having a country with such ideals lead the world is still a good thing and that it can be rescued, and that RFK Jr. is the right man to get things back on track.
Mind #5
A fifth mind says “hold those horses,” yes, those ideals are worth saving and promoting into the future, and yes, RFK Jr. will most likely fight for them more than the current twisted regime or a return of Orange Julius and his MAGA minions — -but RFK Jr’s no Savior — and FFS(!), stop thinking there will be a Savior and start looking for the Savior inside oneself and in the people you interact with … and begin to build the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, a world beyond States, or at least a world where Non-State-Forms (NSFs) can exist alongside States, one person, one friendship, one group at a time.
Mind #6
A sixth mind says, “Bryan, Just listen to some Phish, or some Disco Biscuits or enjoy the latest Indiana Jones movie or read some Stephen King or some Emily Dickinson, and thankfully celebrate that this American culture gave the world such a diverse menu as these things and I didn’t even mention the wonders of African-American culture, all that jazz, all that hip hop, and …
… hey, isn’t Dr. Cornell West running for president, too? Why not put my weight behind him? Hell, I could even shed a few pounds in that effort! If nothing else, the man knows and loves this diversity of American culture and he’s a heck of a lot less divisive than RFK Jr., doesn’t come with the traumatic baggage of a country that killed his father and uncle and…
Mind #7
A seventh mind says, wait, there’s another great candidate, her name is Marianne Williamson and apparently she’s doing quite well — -on TikTok, at least, with the young folk and, yes, I really do think she’d be a huge step up from the current people in power and, like RFK Jr., she’d also address corruption and industry capture of the government, she’d also bring spirituality to the position, she wouldn’t cave in to the biosecurity industrial censorship complex when the next fake pandemic rolls around and, hey, wouldn’t it be nice if the first woman president was actually a decent, well-rounded person, rather than a power-seeking slime ball like Hillary or Kamala?
Mind #8
An eighth mind says … fuck, how many minds does one guy have?
Mind #9
A ninth mind says … ninth mind sounds too much like “hive mind,” MOVE ON!
No. I can’t.
Because a ninth mind/hive mind says that RFK Jr. may be captured by these techno-utopians who promise to liberate mankind with our technological toys — -those people who want to tokenize everything from education to exercise and hook all of reality up to some sort of grid, even beautiful, bountiful Mother Nature — and look at how well techno-utopian dreaming worked out with our smartphones, these “hypodermic syringes delivering digital dopamine 24/7 for our wired generation” as I heard it described recently in a podcast about addiction. Yes, this is the Alison McDowell critique and, well, I just can’t shake it loose and so it lands in the ninth mind.
Mind #10
A tenth mind … really? Nah, maybe that’s enough. In fact, I’m sure it is! Yet as soon as I post this, as soon as I go out for an evening bike ride and reflect on what I wrote, I’m sure I’ll remember something else — fuck, I just did!
Okay, I promise, mind #10 is the last one, but I reserve the right to add to this crazy-ass list, because I really do believe RFK Jr’s candidacy says so much about the state of modern America during a decade which is a make-or-break-it point for the nation … so mind #10 is:
RFK is an addict in recovery, the perfect person to help a nation of addicts begin a long process of healing.
Yes, like me, before RFK Jr. incarnated and beamed himself here into Earth School, he choose “Addiction” as one of the main classes in his Life Curriculum. And, I’d argue, so did many Americans. I’m going to suggest that you check out this podcast, which a friend shared with me the other day. I found it extremely insightful and mind-expanding because it’s about just how much our whole culture is encouraging us to become addicts, how many things we can get addicted to (The Twilight Series! Seriously!) and what that’s doing to us.
Thus, who better than a man who has been through one of the hardest addictions — heroin — and has been in recovery, working the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous for four decades, to be at the helm of this lost, addicted nation? One area I very much disagree with Alison McDowell is her critique of his plan to face this epidemic — I think the idea of ending the War on Drugs, legalizing marijuana and psychedelics, and using much of that tax money to fund a brand new system of true rehab for the addicted is, alone, worth voting for the man for.
In addition, there’s some pretty strong astrology that suggests this is precisely why he’s being called to make this run for president and why he stands a fair chance to win. It relates to the US having its Chiron Return on freakin’ Election Day in 2024, but I’m going to leave this here, again claim temporary insanity for this post, and thank you for somehow wading through it! I look forward to any feedback, sane or not!
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