Maybe the whole notion of going to war with everything is the problem.
Maybe the whole notion of going to war with everything is the problem. Humans have co-existed with viruses as long as we've been around. Maybe it's time to draw up a peace treaty and learn to live with Covid? Seek other solutions? For example, just focus on massive improvements of health from a holistic level to address co-morbidities, which are really key to understanding why Covid is deadlier in some places than others.
I live in Japan and the case and death rate here is well below the global average and one reason seems pretty obvious: people here aren't fat.
So subsidize healthier diets and focus public health campaigns on the benefits of being more slim.
There are myriad other ideas, such as public health messaging and teaching of more conscious breathing and even doing breathwork exercises like the Wim Hof Method.
Point is, Covid has revealed that many countries are profoundly unhealthy and their health care systems are too dependent on treating the human body as though it is a machine and not the amazing vessel full of potential that it is.
Ultimately, this crisis could lead to massive transformation but it takes moving out of the doom and gloom to do so.