Love that you connected this to the larger, already-happening picture of the "You'll own nothing…
Last, I totally agree with you about Lauren's writings. Personally, as guy at the start of Pluto in Libra but smack dab in the center of…
Love that you connected this to the larger, already-happening picture of the "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy" Great Reset model of the WEF, and also love bringing in the fascinating lens of using astrology and the Pluto transits for generational analysis.
Last, I totally agree with you about Lauren's writings. Personally, as guy at the start of Pluto in Libra but smack dab in the center of Gen X, well, I'm suspicious of anyone Lauren's age who is NOT a "radical." I put that in quotes because an odd thing about being a radical--when it becomes the norm, it's no longer radical. Thus, I think the radicals are those who are propping up this dying, disgusting system and those younger people who are backing them up!