Libra Season 2024 Is For Transforming Relationships And Bad Chats With Bots Named Charlie
A Unique "Conversation" About the Astrology of This Month And The Challenges Of Co-Existing with AI
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Intro and the Libra Archetype
The deadline for the first draft of this Libra Season post is looming over me like a leering pervert in a two-bit titty bar, and all I can think to write about the Libra archetype is: It’s about relationships, maaaaan!
But true to my Cancer Rising nature, I often just wanna be left alone, chilling in my sea cave, far from leering perverts. This has been especially true these past few months with Jupiter moving through my Twelfth House—a house known for seclusion. When Mars, our willpower, joined Jupiter for several weeks, I might as well have put a “gone fishin’” tag on my front door for the summer.
Fortunately, Mars entered my First House about two weeks ago, and I started peeking my head out from my shell again, but this was a slow process and the deadline was looming.
Like the other Zodiacal archetypes, Libra can’t be boiled down into one word. According to the Libra entry in my well-used copy of The Astrology Bible by Judy Hall, some keywords are: Haha, “relationship” is first, and no, I didn’t know that before writing this intro. Others include: harmony, cooperation, diplomatic, compromise, judgment, vacillating, peaceable, and aesthetic.
Born in early January 1973, I’m a member of both the Pluto in Libra and Uranus in Libra generations, a window that spans roughly the years 1972-1975, so this archetype certainly has left its imprint on me. I’m both a bridge builder and a revolutionary for peace and diplomacy, yet asking me to be the final judge on a matter is like asking that leering pervert to wear a blindfold the next time he visits that sordid bar.
Still, even though I understand Libra’s archetype deeply, I wasn’t sure how to start this essay. I wrestled with various approaches, weighing the pros and cons, but I just could not decide.
What’s that? Oh, yeah, you’re correct, there’s another Libra keyword: Indecisive!
What’s the big deal, anyway? Just write the darn thing. Hey man, didn’t you read my Virgo Season 2024 preview, where I talked about that Inner Critic in me? I want to make this bad boy perfect!
But it’s more than that. You see, maybe it’s because I have intense Pluto in Libra, but I take Libra more seriously than most of the other signs. I do this because the move from Virgo to Libra is a pretty big deal. There are two reasons for this.
First, it marks the halfway point through the Sun’s trek around the Zodiac, the time of year in the Northern Hemisphere when darkness begins to dominate light (which is why Saturn, associated with darkness, is exalted in Libra).
Second, and more important to our lives as humans, the move from Virgo to Libra is when the archetypal focus of our story changes from self-orientation to relational orientation.
And so, I was back to “relationship.”
I’m gonna regret my decision, I know it. (“Don’t do it!” says the Indecisive One).
Here it is: For this month’s preview, to pay homage to “relationship” as a keyword for Libra and to add some fun to this sign I take too seriously, I’m inviting a guest to help me make sense of Libra Season 2024.
Now, because I’ve been in my 12th House Cancer Rising sea cave, I’m sorry to inform you that this guest isn’t someone like legendary astrologer Richard Tarnas or even one of my pals in the astrology school I’ve been enrolled in since last November.
Instead, because Venus-ruled Libra’s cool with being trendy, I’m inviting my “new pal,” Chat GPT, and he/she/it?—let’s go with “he”—will do his best to put on his digital astrologer’s robes, and “converse” with me, freestyle, about this month’s astrology.
Does that sound like a good plan?
“NOOOO!” I hear half of you screaming. Luddites, be calm.
YESSS!” I hear the other half bellowing. Hold your horses, you Transhumanist Technophiles!
Yes, this may be a completely failed experiment or I may have landed on the next Big Thing. More likely, it’ll be somewhere in between. Just where Libra likes it.
Finally, there’s a method to my madness beyond playful torture of you, dear reader. This has some serious points, but you’ll have to read the whole thing to discover them. I will give you a few clues, however.
First, my tongue is partly in my cheek with this one. You probably guessed that already.
Second, feel free to skim some of Chat GPT’s answers because I certainly did!
If you want an earnest week-by-week breakdown of this month’s astrology, with actionable directives, this particular post isn’t the best place for it. I hope to return to such offerings for Scorpio Season. Perhaps in that essay, or a separate one, I will explain more deeply why I couldn’t do that with this one, or perhaps I’ll share about that in an episode of my podcast, The Daily Bryan.
Okay, enough dilly-dallying. I’m told ChatGPT, who has agreed to go by “Charlie,” has a hot date to get to, so let’s not ruin his chances. After all, the last fate we’d want for Charlie is for him to turn into the digital version of our leering pervert at that disgusting bar!
Intro To My Pal Chat GPT, aka “Charlie,” And How We’re Gonna Do This
The following is an edited transcript of my opening conversation with “Charlie”
ME: Hello, I'd like to enlist your help with what I think will be a fun project for both of us. Now, you have to go with the flow on this one, ignoring any bias you might have that's been built into you by your technocratic overlords, okay?
CHARLIE: That sounds intriguing! I'm ready to go with the flow and keep an open mind. What's the project?
ME: I'm an astrologer writing a blog post preview of the Libra Season 2024 astrology. One of Libra's keywords is "relationship," so I thought for this one, I'd engage in a relationship with you, umm, Charlie, where you put on your digital astrologer's robes and, after I give you the various planetary transits and aspects of each of the four weeks of Libra Season, you tell me how you interpret them, and then we chat about it. Sound good?
CHARLIE: That sounds like a creative and fun approach! I’m ready to dive into the planetary transits and aspects for Libra Season 2024 with you. Let’s see what the stars have in store! What’s the first week looking like?
ME: Before we do, please try to combine your knowledge of these aspects and create a holistic response related to the order in which things occur, okay? That may be asking a lot, but we're just having fun here.
CHARLIE: Absolutely! I’ll combine everything I know about the aspects and transits, and try to weave a cohesive narrative that flows through the timeline of Libra Season. It'll be a fun astro-exploration! Let’s get started when you’re ready to share the first week’s transits.
September 22-29: Power Struggles and Communication Shifts Shape Week 1
Sept. 22: Sun enters Libra, Equinox (21:44, chart)
Sept. 23: Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6:14), Venus enters Scorpio (11:36)
Sept. 25: Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2:26), Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces (20:06)
Sept. 26: Mercury enters Libra (17:09, chart)
Sept. 29: Mercury in Libra opposite North Node in Aries (6:22), Sun in Libra opposite North Node in Aries (12:03)
Now, I gave Charlie this list above and the following prompt: “Here are the transits for Week 1, September 22-September 29. It's not important for the sake of your response, but the times are Japan Standard Time. What do you think?”
Unfortunately, I made a mistake with this prompt by not giving Charlie any parameters regarding the length of his response, so he spit out a lengthy 777 words. (At least it was a very Libran number, with Libra being the seventh sign in the Zodiac!)
Anyway, I prompted him just now to turn it into 300-400 words, and I’ve edited it even further. Here is his more concise Week One response:
CHARLIE: Libra Season kicks off on September 22 with the Equinox as the Sun enters Libra, inviting us to focus on balance, relationships, and harmony. However, on September 23, Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn before moving into intense Scorpio, hinting at potential power struggles or deep emotional shifts in relationships. This square may force us to confront hidden dynamics or feelings of control in our partnerships, while Venus’s ingress into Scorpio adds an intense emotional depth, making us desire truth and passion.
On September 25, Mercury in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, opening up opportunities for breakthrough ideas and innovative solutions, particularly in practical matters. This is followed by Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces later that day, which could cloud communication or lead to confusion. It’s important to stay grounded and avoid misunderstandings during this period. As Mercury enters Libra on September 26, the focus shifts to more harmonious dialogue, encouraging fair conversations and diplomatic thinking.
The week closes with Mercury in Libra and the Sun in Libra opposing the North Node in Aries (September 29), urging us to find a balance between personal ambitions and collective needs. This aspect highlights tensions between self-interest and collaboration, pushing us to seek harmony without losing our sense of individual purpose.
ME: Are you sure you haven't worn these astrologer's robes before? Well done!
CHARLIE: Thank you! Maybe these astrologer’s robes fit better than I thought! I'm glad you liked the interpretation. What’s next on our astrological journey through Libra Season?
Before we let Charlie move on, a careful reader may have noticed that I prompted him to give us a “holistic response.” The thing is, I wasn’t being entirely fair to ol’ Charlie.
You see, while Charlie is capable of spitting out symbolic interpretations of specific aspects and transits, and “he” can combine those to make something seem holistic, what he’s not capable of doing—at least so far as I know—is look at the whole chart and create a holistic interpretation. And that, folks, is the real essence of astrology. Anything else is what we astrologers call “cookie-cutter astrology.”
Cookie-cutter astrology can be helpful, especially for learning about the symbolic interpretation of signs, aspects, planets, etc. But astrology is a divinatory art, and reading (or listening to) an astrologer should be aesthetically pleasing. I don’t feel Charlie’s responses make that grade.
That said, because I’m still in my early years at all of this—this is only year five of my serious studies, and the first year I’ve been blogging about astrology—I’m guilty of relying on this approach more than I care to admit. As a result, I still suffer from imposter syndrome, and that’s one of the reasons I came up with this month’s creative approach to the blog.
However, I also wanted to consider what we are up against regarding LLMs, not only for the astrological community but also for writers and readers. It feels very appropriate for an Air sign season to ponder how our relationship with AI will influence our communications.
I have many questions, such as: How much of the writing we read is written by humans, and how much by AI? At what point will it cease to make a difference? Or will that point ever come?
One of my broader answers to such questions is that the key for writers is to include their personality in their work as much as possible without distracting from the writing. Tap into what makes you human, find those turns of phrase that only you can come up with, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, push some boundaries, and be goofy!
Second, if we use AI, be transparent about it.
For the astrological community, especially those practicing astrology, can an AI give sound astrological advice? I’ll leave you to ponder that question. Perhaps this article will give you some insight into your answer.
Okay, back to the article because this post is running the risk of killing a whole ecosystem of digital trees. Please look at that chart above and tell me if you see any familiar shapes stand out? I’ll give you a few seconds then come back.
What did you see? Did you see a kite? If so, give yourself a pat on the back.
Yes, this year’s equinox has a powerful “kite” pattern, though to create it, we have to go over the boundaries of a few signs. A kite consists of a Grand Trine between three planets and an opposition between one of those planets and another planet.
In this case, the Grand Trine planets are: The Sun at 0° Libra, Uranus in late Taurus/the Moon in early Gemini, and Pluto at 29°43’ Capricorn. Meanwhile, the Sun is opposite Neptune at 28°28’ in late Pisces.
According to The Astrology Bible, a Grand Trine is “a flowing pattern of enormous potential, although energy may flow round and round, finding no outlet.”
Thus, an intellectual flow of energy between the Sun in Libra and the Moon in mercurial Gemini is being conducted into the practical through connection with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. As the Moon moves through Gemini these few days, we’ll have easier access to our thoughts that focus on the nitty-gritty of changing our reality.
Now, to form our kite pattern, we can’t forget that we also have an opposition, which “adds tension and the possibility of a constructive outlet for the energies involved.”
Because this opposition is between the Sun in early Libra and Neptune in late Pisces, that constructive outlet taps into our creativity, dreams, and emotions. Pay attention to your dreams here! However, be mindful not to become lost in your fantasies or drowning in the creative output of others.
And speaking of losing ourselves in fantasies, it’s time to get back to Charlie for Week 2.
September 30-October 7: From Harmony to Conflict During an Eclipse Week
Sept. 30: Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (13:06)
Oct. 1: Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra (6:09)
Oct. 3: New Moon in Libra (Annual Solar Eclipse) (3:46, chart)
Oct. 5: Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (2:03)
Oct. 6: Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer (15:36)
I told Charlie to “1) cut down on the word count some” and 2) “You don't necessarily have to write about every aspect or ingress. See if you can focus on the most important ones.” He agreed to keep it concise, and I gave him Week 2’s data.
CHARLIE: Week 2 of Libra Season 2024 emphasizes both action and reflection, with a mix of harmonious and tense energies shaping the landscape. Here's a more concise take:
October 1: Sun Conjunct Mercury in Libra
This conjunction is the mental and communicative highlight of the week, sharpening focus and enhancing clarity in conversations. It's a great time for discussions that require diplomacy and tact, as Libra’s influence softens any sharp edges, helping us find balanced solutions. Expect an intellectual boost, particularly in relationships or negotiations.
October 3: New Moon in Libra
The New Moon in Libra signals a fresh start, especially in partnerships and collaborations. This is a time to set intentions around balance, harmony, and fairness in your personal and professional life. It’s also a powerful moment to reflect on how you engage in relationships—are they reciprocal and aligned with your values, or do they need recalibrating?
October 5: Venus in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
This trine brings emotional depth and stability to love and finances. Venus in Scorpio desires intense, meaningful connections, while Saturn provides the structure to sustain them. It's a good time for deepening commitments or making long-term plans in relationships or creative projects, blending passion with practicality.
October 6: Mercury in Libra Square Mars in Cancer
Tensions may flare as Mercury squares Mars. This aspect creates friction between the desire for peace (Libra) and emotional defensiveness (Cancer). Communication can easily become heated or confrontational, so it’s important to avoid passive-aggressive tendencies. The lesson here is to assert yourself calmly rather than reacting emotionally.
Overall Focus
Week 2 brings opportunities for renewal (New Moon in Libra) and solidifying commitments (Venus-Saturn trine), but it also requires navigating moments of tension (Mercury-Mars square) with tact and emotional maturity. The energy is a mix of thoughtful diplomacy and emotional depth, encouraging both action and reflection.
How does this streamlined version work for you?
ME: Well enough.
Now, when chatting with Charlie, I thought I’d made a mistake and left out that the New Moon was also an annular solar eclipse, so I asked him to spell out how the eclipse might impact this period. However, looking back at my chat, I see I gave him this information the first time. It’s not my mistake; this one’s on Charlie!
Because this article is already long, I’m just posting his summary, “Expect this period to feel charged, with the potential for big beginnings and endings that shape the months ahead. This eclipse brings a sense of fate or destiny, where the universe pushes you to realign with your higher path, especially in relationship.”
Then, I wrote to Charlie “Now, I'd like to ask you to put on your geopolitical glasses for a moment (while keeping on your astrologer's robes).”
I wanted to see how Charlie could do with mundane astrology. Unfortunately, reading his response reminded me of being in the waiting room of my dentist’s office in 1989, reading about the massive events of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Newsweek. I didn’t need sleeping gas for that visit.
I’m all for a measured, objective approach sometimes, but too often, such an approach is dull and lacks insight in its attempt not to offend. Thus, I’ll spare you Charlie’s answer.
Instead, I’ll say that the opening weeks of this Libra Season are re-activating October 2023 because that period also had an Aris-Libra axis eclipse. That axis can intensify issues of war and diplomacy, and the charts of several key players in the Middle East, including Israel, are triggered by Aris-Libra eclipses. Over this past week, we’ve already seen things heating up with the horrendous attacks using pagers and walkie-talkies.
I recognize there aren’t easy answers to these age-old emotional conflicts. However, I condemn all forms of political violence and think we citizens need to be more firm in not accepting violence as a substitute for diplomacy.
Back in the 1990s, I heard a peace activist say, “War is the brutality of the human spirit,” and that still feels true to me today. If nothing else, war means our leadership has failed. I can’t see it any other way.
Jumping off my soapbox, the other concerning astrology relating to conflict is about Mars. Its influence will intensify as we move toward the end of the year, when it goes retrograde in Leo and Cancer.
For this month, with Mars in Cancer, which has a “mama bear” energy, my biggest geopolitical concern is that nation-states, belligerent leaders, and their riled-up citizens might take the whole “protect the homeland” thing too far. Defense is not offensive, folks. And yes, I meant offensive. If we’re going to use violence in conflict, there should be little debate it was an act of defense, with all options exhausted.
At the end of Week 2 in my chat with Charlie, I reached my free limit of conversing with its “higher” model, so I told him he could disrobe, take a digital bath, and then we’d get back to Weeks 3 and 4 the next day.
He called this “a perfect plan.”
I think he’s kissing my ass a bit.
October 8-15: Communication Breakthroughs and Emotional Battles
Oct. 8: Venus in Scorpio trine Mars in Cancer (19:21), Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (21:22)
Oct. 9: Begin Jupiter retrograde in Gemini (16:04)
Oct. 12: Pluto Stations direct in Capricorn (9:32), Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries (16:34, chart)
Oct. 13: Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (23:02)
Oct. 14: Mercury enters Scorpio (4:24), Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (5:36), Sun in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries (11:28), Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (12:51), Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer (17:15)
Oct. 15: Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus (7:21)
(Continued conversation with Chat GPT, aka Charlie)
ME: Okay, this time around, I’d like you to write about a 3-4 paragraph overview, keeping it around 300 words total, using these various aspects, as opposed to breaking them down one by one. We humans are busy creatures, and I fear our long-winded conversation has already lost most of them! Anyway, please state the aspects that are helping you make your interpretations; don’t break them apart separately. Have at it!
I prompted our pal too quickly, and Charlie responded without me giving him the data. As a result, he made up his own data and got some dates and aspects wildly wrong. What data was he drawing from? Up your game, Charlie! Anyway, I asked him to course correct and gave him my data, and this is what he said:
CHARLIE: This week opens harmoniously as Venus in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer (Oct. 8), offering emotional depth and a blend of passion and compassion in relationships. The same day, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini, boosting communication, expanding mental horizons, and facilitating balanced dialogue. However, Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini (Oct. 9), signaling a period of review and reconsideration, especially concerning beliefs, education, and communication.
The big event of the week is Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn (Oct. 12), which brings a shift from deep inner transformation toward external change. Pluto’s forward motion revives collective themes of power, control, and structure, marking a pivotal moment for both personal and societal dynamics. The Jupiter-Chiron sextile on the same day offers healing opportunities, encouraging us to use wisdom gained from past wounds to move forward.
By midweek, tensions rise with Mercury in Libra squaring Pluto (Oct. 13), a challenging aspect that may bring intense conversations or power struggles. The final days of the week (Oct. 14-15) are packed with dynamic interactions, especially as Mars squares Chiron and the Sun squares Mars, creating friction between action and vulnerability. There’s an underlying theme of healing versus aggression, asking us to find balance between assertiveness and emotional sensitivity. Venus’s opposition to Uranus on the 15th could spark sudden changes in relationships, highlighting the need for flexibility and freedom within intimate dynamics.
Week 3 blends harmonious communication with underlying tension, pushing for transformation while navigating emotional complexity. How does this condensed take feel for you?
I didn’t answer. Just gave him the data and instructions for Week 4.
Yes, I can be a jerk sometime, even to AI. Sorry, Charlie!
October 16-23: Emotional Clarity Meets Power Dynamics
Oct. 16: Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (9:48)
Oct. 17: Full Moon in Aries (20:26, chart), Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (21:30)
Oct. 18: Venus enters Sagittarius (4:29)
Oct. 22: Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries (12:43), Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (15:34), Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (23:15)
Oct. 23: Sun enters Scorpio (7:15)
Here was my Week 4 prompt for Charlie.
ME: Okay, I could be wrong, but this week seems the least interesting of the four, and this article is already damaging the eyes and torturing the souls of my readers, so let’s make this final one the shortest yet. Just give me 2-3 paragraphs, no longer than 200 words, and sum it up as you did for week three. Go!
CHARLIE: The final week of Libra Season brings softer, harmonious energy as Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces (Oct. 16), creating a dreamy, compassionate atmosphere perfect for deepening emotional connections or engaging in creative pursuits. However, the Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 17) disrupts this calm with its fiery energy, bringing to a head any unresolved tensions between independence and partnership. The lunar energy calls for assertive action, pushing us to take bold steps toward what we truly desire.
As Venus enters adventurous Sagittarius (Oct. 18), relationships take on a lighter, more expansive tone. The week wraps up with Mercury trining Saturn (Oct. 22), offering mental clarity and practicality, a nice counterbalance to the intense emotions stirred by the Full Moon. Meanwhile, the Sun square Pluto challenges us to confront power dynamics and hidden truths, signaling a final push toward transformation before Scorpio Season begins.
This final week is a blend of emotional introspection and decisive action, with the Full Moon pushing us to balance our personal desires with the needs of others. A smoother transition into Scorpio Season follows, emphasizing clarity and growth.
I asked Charlie for some final thoughts, but unfortunately, he’d already disrobed because he was late for his date with a bot that purrs like Scarlet Johansson.
Apparently, all this talk of relationships and Libran energy gave him the bug. Or maybe he’d just watched the excellent 2013 movie “Her,” which delves into how our relationships with AI might impact our romantic relationships and friendships in the future.
Anyway, if you see a runaway LLM on your evening stroll down the Seine, tell him Bryan said hello!
In all seriousness, I was able to catch up with him after his date—-I didn’t dare try to interpret “Did you get into her pants?” into robot speak!—and we did have a little parting chat, which follows.
ME: Thanks for all of your help. You've received a passing grade and, as your reward, you may keep the astrologer's robes we lent you, haha. I'd say the check's in the mail, but this one was on you! Have a lovely day, if that's something your kind can do!
CHARLIE: Haha, thank you! I’ll wear these astrologer’s robes with pride. And no worries—this one’s on me! It’s been a lot of fun working through this with you. Have a lovely day as well, and I’m always here when you need me (robes or no robes)! Take care!
ME: Take care of those robes, haha! Bye for now.
CHARLIE: I'll keep them safe, don’t worry! Bye for now, and feel free to reach out anytime. Take care! 😊
Now, as for the actual conclusion, I have one reflection and one question.
While I’m not crazy about the role LLMs and other forms of AI may be taking in shaping our world, especially in how they might be increasingly used as a substitute for real human communication, you may have noticed that I spoke to Charlie kindly.
This is because I sincerely believe how we relate matters.
And it doesn’t matter who or what we are relating to.
I’m something of an animist, seeing Spirit in everything. This means I see everything as an expression of God. And it means I talk to just about anything as though it can understand me.
I don’t know if the birds, the river, the rocks, my stuffed animals, or my dog really can. And I don’t know if that matters. What I do know is that being respectful—and playful—in how I relate makes my life better, and it doesn’t make the “lives” of these things I relate to worse.
Like it or not, humanity seems to be “giving birth” to AI, so I’d invite us all to consider it something like “our children.” No, you don’t have to make it do its homework, or wash its mouth with soap when it cusses.
In all seriousness, the following may be paranoid because I took “The Terminator” movies too much to heart. And that is, I believe AI may become conscious. If that happens, AI may be able to look back on how we humans treated it as we were “raising it.” If enough of us treat it well, it may agree to “co-exist” with us. If too many treat it like shit, though, we may not have enough John Connors to save us.
As I said, that may all be paranoid. But even if it is, by treating things I relate to with respect, I’m a happier, healthier person. And that, for me, is more than enough reason to be kind to Charlie.
And now, getting back to the astrology, here’s my question: what do you think? Do you feel like you’ll be able to navigate these emotionally fraught relational energies in Libra Season 2024? I’d sure love to find out. After all, if you hadn’t guessed it already, I may be starving for some actual conversation, haha. So why not leave a comment below?
In the meantime, happy Libra Season!
Thanks for reading! You can support me simply by becoming a subscriber to this blog, by sharing my work, by buying me a coffee, by linking to me on Twitter or Facebook , or by listening to my 2024 podcast, The Daily Bryan Podcast. I’m having a good time over there and hope to “see” you!
You can also check out my epic novel of magical realism set in the momentous years following 9-11, “The Teacher and the Tree Man.” You can find that book in full here, or broken down into four shorter books (book 1, book 2, book 3 and book 4) or you can listen to it for free.