In case anyone reading this thought these were actual quotes, they aren't.
Not sure what Jay's purpose was in writing this one, but IMHO, this makes you're writing and thinking seem pretty feeble. Why? Because…
In case anyone reading this thought these were actual quotes, they aren't.
Not sure what Jay's purpose was in writing this one, but IMHO, this makes you're writing and thinking seem pretty feeble. Why? Because Rodgers is actually extremely intelligent.
His thinking shoots down the idea that people who are generally left-wing in their politics can't be intelligently determining not to get vaccinated for Covid-19. There are a growing number of us.
Spreading this kind of misinformation, and then (I gues?) trying to hide behind the idea that it is satire is just polluting the information ecology. I've read your work and liked some of what I've read so I know you can do better.