I had a strong intuition in the fall of 2019 that the 2020s would be a make-it-or-break-it decade…
I had a strong intuition in the fall of 2019 that the 2020s would be a make-it-or-break-it decade for the United States.
I think too many people take for granted that things will just be the same in the future as they are now because of the entrenched nature of the current system.
Others turn to history to say why it won't happen or why it's a bad idea.
I'm not saying any of them are wrong, but they may not be right. History certainly has cycles and we can learn from it, but there's nothing in the human design playbook that says we have to repeat it.
And if we want to talk about a fascinating way to measure the cycles of history and map them onto the human experience, one can look at the incredible book "Cosmos and Psyche" by the erudite Richard Tarnas, who spent decades studying major trends in the interactions of the planets and how they linked up to history.
Yes, I'm speaking about astrology and if you simply stop reading there, it's only a reflection of an incurious mind not a reflection of an ancient art-and-science that you're rejecting out of hand. Not to worry, until I read that book in my early 30s over a decade ago, I also dismissed astrology, but that was because of a lack of knowledge based on silly newspaper horoscopes.
Anyway, if you're still with me, good on ya because now I'll tell you that over the next few years the US is going through its Pluto Return, which means Pluto will be at the same point in the sky as it was on 7/4/1776. This is a BIG deal in the history of other empires and, in sum, it represents a death/rebirth cycle.
TBH, I didn't even know about this when I had that premonition but nowadays astrologers are talking A LOT about it. Most mark February 20, 2022 and then again in July and December 2022 as the direct days, though I recently learned from the excellent Rick Levine that if you adjust for the precession of the equinoxes, the Pluto Return won't be until 2024. Regardless, the next few years are BIG for America and by extension the world and I don't think I need to tell you any astrology for you to intuit that. But just one more note: astrologers were talking for decades about the many major events of 2020 so it was by digging into this field in 2019 that I felt prepared and not taken totally off my grounding like so many were last year. So even if others laugh at the subject, well, I know it has been very helpful to me!